Reliable Astilbe for Sale at Nature Hills Nursery
Turn a dim corner of your lot into a great-looking garden feature with beloved Astilbe plants. These glamorous flowering plants boost the visual appeal of partial shade, and you’ll find an elegant selection of astilbe for sale right here at Nature Hills Nursery.

Astilbes are summer flowering perennials with plume-like flowers that can tolerate full sun only in the cool northern growing zones. However, they'll perform better — and produce brighter, longer-lasting flowers — in a shady location.
No need to miss the color that sun-loving plants bring. Astilbe can stop you in your tracks with outstanding feathery plumes that rise high above the lustrous, fern-like foliage.
Electric violet, pink blooms, red, purple and Arctic white plumes are among the most popular colors. Each fine-textured, feathery bloom remains beautiful for many weeks.
Look closely to see their tiny true flowers held in pyramidal inflorescences. Their blooms rise high above the clump of finely-cut foliage.
The foliage is very attractive, so the plants add delightful color to the shady gardens of North America. This is true, even after the decorative flowers are no longer blooming.
People mass plant them to fill in the boundary of their woodland plantings. They also use Astilbe underneath deep-rooted shade trees like Festival Sweetgum, Ash, Nuttall Oak and Honeylocust.
High-Quality Perennial Astilbe Plants for Sale
Astilbe plants range in height from one to four feet tall. There are hundreds of cultivars now being produced that combine the feathery flower spikes with many foliage colors and flower color combinations.

Victorians used to carry lavish Astilbe blooms down the aisle as wedding bouquets as a symbol of their devotion. You'll be just as proud of yourself for growing these spectacular blooms as a reward.
Ultra-feminine, intricate Astilbe blooms look so pretty and vivacious in a mixed shade garden border. Their bronzed green foliage is both lacy and stiff, a fantastic contrast.
Include them with other shade-loving perennials from Nature Hills Nursery. Jazz up a foundation of Hosta with smaller Tierella and robust Astilbe for good looks all season long.
Because people love Astilbes so much, they've been given plenty of common nicknames. You might hear Astilbe called False Spirea, Feather Flower, Meadowsweet, and False Goat’s Beard.
Astilbe Varieties Grow Well in Shade
Astilbe is one of the most alluring shade-loving plants. Our wide-ranging online selection of astilbe varieties displays a diversity of foliage and flower colors.

Choose a mass planting of your favorite color. Or mix things up with a repeating pattern of different colors.
Create a very natural look with a collection of Astilbe varieties planted in curving waves of color. Choose complementary or contrasting colors to suit your fancy.
One of the hardiest perennial plants, count on reliable Astilbe to come back for years and years. You'll be astounded the first time you see their three-foot-tall spires in full bloom, and so will your garden guests.
However you style your space, you'll be thrilled with their performance. Astilbe plumes look like a scaled down version of Pampas Grass, and they are nearly as tough.
Create Showy Cut Flower Arrangements with Astilbe Colors
Dense plumes appear in late spring and early summer. With proper care, the feather blooms remain showy for weeks on end.

Some people choose to trim off the spent blooms. Do that easy task a little early, and enjoy them indoors as cut flowers. The soft texture and striking display of astilbe colors create head-turning cut flower arrangements every time.
Snip one, three, five or seven blooms for use as a bouquet indoors in a wide vase. Stabilize your arrangement with lots of foliage filler and you'll add interesting contrast, too.
For long-lasting dried flowers, hang Astilbe blooms upside down for several months to dry. Give each feathery flower good air circulation and check them periodically during the process.
Of course, you can also leave your Astilbe blooms to dry on your outdoor plants. You'll gain welcome vertical height with the season's blooms left in place to accent your chaise in the shade.
Yes, You Can Grow Astilbe in Containers
Add perennials to hardy containers for a look that comes back year after year. Astilbe was born to play the thriller role.
Get 365 Gorgeous Days with Hardy Container Gardens >>

Decorate built-in planters under your pergola or in a bath house. Try them in wide, deep pots on your north-facing patio.
We recommend a planter that is at least 20 inches across to accommodate their mature spread. Deep containers are good, as they have stout roots to accommodate.
Use a good-quality potting soil designed for ericaceous plants, and ensure your pot has good drainage holes. Container-grown Astilbe will need frequent watering to keep them happy.
Read About the Right Way to Water New Plants >>
Container plants need fertilizer on a regular basis, too. Choose a formula for acid-loving, ericaceous plants and follow the directions on your package for the most effective application.
Raise your pot on clay feet to ensure the water drains out from the container quickly. Drill extra holes in your pot, if you can.
Astilbes Bring Pollinators to Your Victory Garden
Use a long row of Astilbe flowers in the shade of your garden shed. Both ornamental and useful, Astilbe flowers hold wide appeal to butterflies and essential pollinators.

Each fine-textured, feathery bloom remains beautiful for many weeks. Look closely to see their tiny true flowers held in pyramidal inflorescences.
If you are one of the many millions of Americans growing your own fruit trees and bushes these days, flowering perennials like astilbe are a wise investment.
You'll easily spruce up your hard-working utilitarian areas with these gorgeous blooms. Of course, you'll also increase your yields with more pollinators in your yard, especially for late-blooming Apple and Cherry trees.
Astilbe attracts both butterflies and hummingbirds, and they’ll visit each flower many times a day. Set up a handsome seating area nearby so you can rest and relax while enjoying your thoughtful choices.
Planting and Care Guide for Extraordinary Astilbe
Once you track your Nature Hills Nursery package to your door, open it and give your Astilbes a long drink. The key to successful planting is providing great hydration from the beginning.
The goal is to gain a lovely color wash with the vibrant astilbe colors to brighten the areas of partial shade in your garden. Astilbe plants need afternoon shade to maintain their deep hues.
The ideal spot receives between two and four hours of sunlight a day. Too much shade will reduce flowering, so study your landscape to determine the place for Astilbe.
Easy-care, cold-hardy Astilbe plants are widely adaptable across a wide geographical area. Type your zip code into the zone finder found above the Plant Highlights on every product page to determine your USDA growing zone.
Astilbe is also a terrific choice for areas with heavy deer pressure. Deer and rabbits both tend to leave it alone, although we always recommend repellent spray in those areas.
Dig your hole twice as wide as the container or root system, but no deeper. Astilbe needs well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter.

Use Nature Hills Root Booster to give your plants an advantage their whole life. This symbiotic formula supports the tiny feeder roots absorption of micronutrients and moisture from the soil.
Please don't let your astilbe plants dry out completely. Rugged Astilbe performs best with good moisture and doesn't display drought tolerance to dry soil.
Reduce surface evaporation with a three-inch layer of mulch over their root systems. Plan to reapply mulch as needed.
Fertilize with a slow-release formula for flowering plants in very early spring. Reapply according to the directions.
Wait until spring to cut back the old foliage. We advise that you leave the old foliage up to protect your plants from winter damage.
We've been delighting customers — including our professional garden designers — since 2001. Our growers take joy in preparing beautiful plants and shipping them snug as a bug in a rug directly to your doorstep.
That's why our business has grown from a Conifer tree farm in the Midwest to America's largest online plant nursery. People come to Nature Hills Nursery to find the highest quality plants in the variety and selections they’re looking for.
Place your order any time of year, and we'll ship to you when the time is right for planting in your area. Astilbe plants are sought after, so order early for best selection.
If you see an astilbe for sale that you just can’t live without, snap it up before its gone. You don’t want to miss out on some of the most fetching shade-loving perennials that will delight you year after year. Place your order today.