2023 USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map
This is a map of the United States showing the USDA planting zone classifications. Planting zones are used as guidelines to determine the hardiness and survivability of various trees and plant species in each geographic area.The hardiness zones are based on local climate. The USDA determined the zones using average annual minimum temperatures in each region. A plant’s recommended zone is based on the temperatures it can withstand, which is often congruent with the temperatures it would expect to see in its native conditions.
When ordering a tree or plant, make sure to know your planting zone. On NatureHills.com, we do our best to provide an accurate listing for each product’s recommended zone. You can determine your garden’s USDA hardiness zone using this map. It’s unwise to purchase a plant for an outdoor garden that cannot survive in your zone. However, planting a species in its recommended zone does not guarantee it will thrive. A good location is only the beginning; the rest is up to the gardener.