Buy Lovely Lavender Plants at Nature Hills Nursery!
Lavender (Lavandula) is a flowering plant in the Mint family, Lamiaceae, and one of the most fragrant and aromatic of the clan! Comprised of a genus of 39 known species, Lavender is native to Mediterranean climates throughout Africa, Europe, and Asia.
Growing more shrub-like in mild winter climates as a semi-evergreen, or as a semi-woody perennial in cooler growing zones, Lavender can be divided mainly into these categories -
- English Lavender - cold-hardy and best for culinary use because of low camphor content
- French Lavender - AKA Fringed Lavender, is distinguished by narrow, finely-toothed leaves and a more Rosemary scent
- Spanish Lavender - Has more pineapple-shaped blooms with colorful bracts, or “bunny ears”. The leaves have more fragrance but the flowers are far more showy! Spanish Lavender can handle a bit more soil moisture and humidity too.
- Portuguese Lavender - A very xeric and heat-loving Lavender variety
- Hybrid Lavenders (Lavandin) - Combines Lavender's many benefits into one super plant!
There are several varieties of Lavender plant colors to choose from: From the traditional blues and its namesake lavender hue to mauve, blue-violet, plus shades of pink, or even white! There is even a yellow form!
Lavender Uses
Research suggests that the scent and volatile oils in Lavender flowers and foliage may be beneficial in treating anxiety, insomnia, depression, and restlessness!

This aromatic plant is very popular in herb gardens and can be used in sunny borders, knot gardens, potager beds, kitchen gardens, rock gardens, butterfly gardens, and sensory gardens!
Companions for Lavender need sunny, dry conditions, such as Sedum, Ornamental Grasses, Yucca, Rosemary, Spurges, Succulents, Coneflowers, and Russian Sage!
The blooms of the Lavender plant are eagerly sought out by pollinators, hummingbirds, and butterflies! The flowers are intensely perfumed and are often dried and made into wonderful potpourri, sachets, and crafts, and have a world of uses in teas in culinary wonders! They are especially wonderful additions to bouquets and floral arrangements!
Lavender Plant Flowers & Form
The bloom time can vary drastically between locations and climates, but Lavender typically flowers in the late spring to summer months and can continue until fall in some climates.
Held in wands of tiny buds that open into small florets or petal-like bracts, clustered atop each slender yet sturdy stem.
Lavender’s foliage is iconic and eye-catching! Standing out in the garden with its soft silver to gray-green hues! Highly aromatic when brushed against and wonderfully fine-textured, the almost evergreen-like leaves form rounded mounds to upright clumps, with the flowering stems waving above the foliage in an airy, tidy fashion!
Rarely growing larger than 3 feet in height and width, these are tidy, compact, and space-saving garden ornamentals!
Lavender Plant Care
Lavenders thrive in dry, arid areas, and can be quite Xeric once established. They struggle in locations with high humidity, therefore, they are best grown as annuals or container plants in the South. Because they also prefer USDA growing zones 5 to 9, with one exception that can handle colder Zone 4, Lavender is typically used as an annual accent in Northern climates as well. Sometimes brought into a greenhouse or sunroom for the winters.

Ideal Lavender growing locations are one that has warm, well-drained, lean soil in full sun. Preferring alkaline sites or higher pH soil amendments can be added to the soil to enhance the perfumed oils the Lavender produces.
Keep the plants watered during their growing season. Water regularly but sparingly and apply mulch to keep the roots cooler in the sunny summers.
Wait until a hard frost before cutting back for the winter. To encourage new growth in the spring, cut back the taller plants to about one-third their height, while smaller plants can be pruned by just a couple of inches.
Lavender plants generally need 3-5 years to reach their mature size, but once established are very drought resistant, and quite tough! The high amount of oils and strong aromatics make Lavender a perennial that deer seldom bother with!
Old-World Romantic Aromatic & Hardy Lavender!
Check out all the lovely Lavender plants available at Nature Hills today! You’ll love having this aromatic addition to enjoy indoors and out!