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Arborvitae Trees

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Evergreen Arborvitae Trees from Nature Hills Nursery

If you are faced with an ugly view or live next to a noisy street, you're probably looking for a screening solution. For an easy-care, tough and beautiful solution, consider the Arborvitae (Thuja) family of soft evergreens that are related to Cypress.

You’ll find a fine range of Arborvitae for sale right here at Nature Hills Nursery.

Several Arborvitae species are native to both Eastern and Northeastern North America. You’ll find a range of Arborvitae trees for sale right here, including Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis and Thuja plicata.

You'll hear them nicknamed Western Red Cedar and White Cedar. But Arborvitae actually means "tree of life," and hot tea brewed from their steeped leaves and bark is quite rich in Vitamin C. 

Arborvitae is a beautiful evergreen with bright green, scale-like leaves that are held in wide sprays. They are soft to the touch, rather than prickly.

The fine-textured, lacy foliage is borne in a flat plane up and down all along the trunk. Because of this welcome trait, Arborvitae trees are lush to the ground, not leggy with a bare trunk.

They grow quickly into a solid visual screen with proper care and plenty of sunlight. You'll love how well they work for you, whether you grow Arborvitae trees or a smaller Arborvitae bush. 

Cold-hardy Arborvitae makes the perfect screening plant. Most varieties can grow several feet a year, especially in rich soil with adequate water.

Arborvitae trees are temperate evergreens that perform best in zones 8 and up. Check each product page to see which cultivar will suit your landscape best. 

Fast-Growing Arborvitae for Sale

Arborvitae Trees

Nature Hills Nursery sells a lot of Arborvitae cultivars across the country each season. Our expert growers are well-versed in their care requirements, and ship commercial landscape-grade plants directly to your door.

One of the most popular is Green Giant — a natural hybrid cultivar that is rated as the fastest-growing Arborvitae tree. In the right conditions, you can actually expect three feet of growth a year.

Green Giant Arborvitae trees work best on larger properties. They make a very effective tall hedge in areas where Leyland Cypress isn't recommended due to high winds.

North Pole arborvitae is a perfect choice for smaller yards. These columnar trees stay narrow enough to provide screening inside yards.

If you want a medium-sized tree, try Emerald Green Arborvitae. They stay narrow and compact, but grow plenty tall enough to hide your pool deck from curious passers-by.

Benefits of Arborvitae Trees

You'll love how the Tree of Life gives you the perfect green backdrop to design your landscape around. Best of all, they'll look great all year long.

In fact, installing a living fence of Arborvitae costs less than a traditional fence. In areas with HOAs, growing a hedgerow is an easy way to extend the height of your hardscape fence.

You'll love the fragrant, resinous foliage, especially if you love the rich, fresh scents of lemon and clean cotton. Even the ridged bark is attractive, and it grows silvery-white with age.

The foliage is soft and dense, and it boasts plenty of surface area. Even better, Arborvitae foliage absorbs sound and muffles the sound of traffic.

Arborvitae trees are hard-working and long-lived. You have no better way to eliminate ugly views, block wind, catch snow, and absorb sound.

Choosing Thuja also means you'll be providing shelter for songbirds. Arborvitae is likewise listed as a dog-friendly and horse-friendly plant, according to the ASPCA.

Mature trees may produce half-inch long green cones that deepen into a rich brown. Wildlife relish eating the egg-shaped Arborvitae fruit.

In spring, you likely won't notice the tiny tan flowers. However, these evergreens do provide a habitat for butterflies and moths.

Arborvitae lumber is valuable, too. Although the trees live up to 400 years, in some areas they are regularly managed for poles and posts. 

Design Tips for Arborvitae Trees

arborvitae trees infographic

Many people want to know how close to plant Arborvitae trees for a privacy screen. Study the Plant Highlights on the plant’s page to find out what their mature spread is.

Some Arborvitae, like the Thuja Green Giant, perform fine with tight spacing. They can be planted from five feet apart for a tight screen to 12 feet apart for a loose, natural look.

Plant two staggered, zigzagging rows for fast results and a graceful look. Always measure the distance from trunk to trunk, which is called on center spacing.

Tighten the spacing for smaller trees like Emerald Green. Plant three feet apart on center for a beautiful privacy screen.

Most Arborvitae can be trimmed or sheared into formal hedges, but you can also allow your plants to grow naturally. You'll appreciate dressing them up with a formal shear, or leaving them informal for a casual landscape.

Make the most of your landscape investment. Plant partial shade-loving perennials on the north and east sides of your Arborvitae . 

On the full sun side of your evergreen trees, plant smaller shrubs like Dogwood or Viburnum. Finish up with a curved series of Ornamental Grasses, or bold Daylilies for an easy-care planting that will look great.

Arborvitae tree roots are fibrous, and they aren't generally considered aggressive. However, we do recommend that you give trees plenty of space to reach their mature spread and height.

Mature Arborvitae privacy trees are worth their weight in gold. Hide an unsightly view with their durable, dark green foliage.

Plant Arborvitae on the south or west side of your entertainment area. They cast delicious shade for fun backyard get-togethers with family and friends. You’ll find a wide range of Arborvitae for sale right here, waiting to grace your yard.

Arborvitae Trees vs. Arborvitae Shrubs

For courtyard settings, select types of Arborvitae that stay small. Evergreen shrubs can be a wonderful option, too. An Arborvitae bush may provide just the right touch in smaller, tighter spaces.

Arborvitae Bushes and Shrubs

Full Sugar and Spice Arborvitae trees are the perfect size for a specimen. They grow into a broad oval, not a tight pyramid-like others.

If you want a living sculpture in your yard, try DeGroot's Spire with its magnificent free-form habit. American Pillar gives a sleek, streamlined look.

Show off your designer style by starting a collection of these easy-care plants. Use them throughout your landscape, including as an anchor in your foundation planting for a consistent element that requires little care.

Arborvitae Solve Tough Landscaping Challenges

Easy to grow and maintain, Arborvitae come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are tall and broad varieties that grow more than 50 feet high to give you some serious privacy.

There are narrow, pyramid-shaped varieties that fit beautifully in your sideyard. You'll love the drooping little accent varieties that provide perfect evergreen punctuation in your backyard landscape.

Be sure to look at the Plant Highlight Facts on our website to see the mature height and spread of the different Arborvitae types. You'll find one (or two, three, or more.) that work for you in your yard.

Thuja comes in many varieties, and Nature Hills Nursery offers a wide catalog to choose from to create your living hedge or screen. Whether you go for Thuja Occidentalis or Thuja Green Giant, you’ll be going for a prime Arborvitae for sale from Nature Hills Nursery.

How to Plant Arborvitae Trees

Arborvitae trees prefer colder climates to warmer ones and are naturally found in zones 3 to 8. Give your tree some afternoon shade in areas that have hot summer months.

Look for a sheltered spot with some winter protection against damage from ice and snow. Site them correctly to block the worst of the winter winds.

While they prefer slightly acidic soil, they will grow in a variety of soils, from clay to sandy loam. With a shallow root ball, Arborvitae trees grow best in moist, well-drained soil.

Arborvitae planting season runs from spring through fall. If you plant your trees in summer, be prepared to offer regular water.

Dig a hole no deeper than the root ball, but twice as wide. Add Nature Hills Root Booster, plant your new tree, and then water it very well to eliminate air pockets.

These popular trees will tolerate periodic drought for short times after they are established. But we recommend that you give them supplemental water year-round, as needed.

Read more #ProPlantTips for Arborvitae Care

Some of the taller varieties develop a reddish-brown color in winter, then turn green again during early spring and summer. Water them well in fall to protect against winter burn.

If you’re looking for Arborvitae for sale from a trusted nursery, you’re in the right place. You’ll find commercial-landscape-grade Arborvitae trees in all different sizes and types. You’ll also get shipping that lets you track your package right to your doorstep. What could be more convenient?

Whether you’re looking for a Thuja Green Giant or smaller Arborvitae bush, if you see it on our website, place your order right away. We sell out quickly and don’t want you to miss out. Check out our selection of Arborvitae trees for sale today.

Arborvitae trees

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