Darling Daisies at Nature Hills Nursery!

Daisies are found all over the world, except in Antarctica. Once in the family Compositae, Daisies (Leucanthemum) are now in the Asteraceae family of flowering plants, one of the largest families of plants in the world and makeup almost 10% of all flowering plants on Earth.
It is believed that the name Daisy comes from the Old English 'Daes eage', meaning 'day's eye'. This is a reference to how Daisies flowers open at dawn.
They are some of the most beautiful flowers in the floral world. The Daisy flower is really two flowers in one: disk florets and petal-like white ray florets.
Vital pollen and nectar resources for pollinators and beneficial insects, the Daisy is versatile, easy to grow, and there is a toughness hidden behind the lovely blooms!
Shasta Daisies tend to have larger centers and taller stems, while Common Daisies can be smaller and spread more. Both are incredibly easy to grow for even the newest gardeners or the busiest gardeners alike!
Using Daisies in Your Landscape

From the large and impressive middle to back-of-the-border accents, Daisies like Real Glory, and the fringed Real Galaxy will delight your mixed perennial borders and Cottage gardens!
Use dwarf Daisies like Darling Daisy™ Shasta, and Sweet Daisy™ Jane is perfect for low-growing edging along the fronts of your garden borders, and work great as facer plants for skirting around larger trees and shrubs. They just shine in the sun in groupings and as solo focal points that draw in the butterflies!
Usually white-petalled blooms with yellow centers, like the long petals of the Alaska Shasta, or the fluffy double petals of the Marshmallow Shasta. But the Goldfinch and Real Charmer Daisies have buttery yellow petals!
Forming on strong straight stems that rise above mounds of toothy, lance-shaped leaves ranging from light to dark green, the blooms are must-haves for cut flower gardens! Filling your bouquets with loads of cheerful blooms all growing season long.
Spreading into polite clumps, you can use Daisies in mass plantings and in large groupings or swaths of easy-breezy cheer!
Easy Daisy Care
If you have a location with full sun and well-drained soil that has been mixed with manure and compost, perennial Daisy plants will reward you with years of lovely blooms! Water Daisies during dry periods and use a general fertilizer in the plant’s early growth, then once a month afterward. A 3-4 inch thick layer of mulch helps in especially drought-prone areas, and in colder climates add a thick layer of mulch for protection. One thing Daisies despise is soggy soil.
Low-maintenance and easy to grow, all these tender perennials need in the way of care. As soon as the flowers begin to fade, wither, or turn brown, Daisies should be deadheaded to encourage vigorous growth and rebloom, this makes the Daisy boasts a longer blooming period. Daisy clumps can be divided every few years to promote better growth and vigor.
Living Drops of Sunshine!
Daisies are the harbingers of summer and bring cheer everywhere they bloom! These perennials spread joy throughout the sun garden!
Pick your own Daisy plants today at Nature Hills and we'll ship your perennials to you at the proper planting time for your growing zone!