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Serviceberry Bushes

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  • Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry
    Up to 51% off

    Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry

    From $6959 $7999
  • Shadblow Serviceberry Shadblow Serviceberry
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    Shadblow Serviceberry

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  • Regent Saskatoon Serviceberry Regent Saskatoon Serviceberry
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    Regent Saskatoon Serviceberry

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  • First Editions® Standing Ovation™ Serviceberry First Editions® Standing Ovation™ Serviceberry
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    First Editions® Standing Ovation™ Serviceberry

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  • Lustre® Serviceberry Lustre® Serviceberry
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    Lustre® Serviceberry

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  • Cumulus Serviceberry
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    Cumulus Serviceberry

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  • Cole's Select Serviceberry Cole's Select Serviceberry
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    Cole's Select Serviceberry

    From $5999

Showy Serviceberry Shrubs Have It All!

Bird on a Serviceberry ShrubNeed a shrub that has it all? Introducing the Serviceberry bush (Amelanchier)!

Going by such names as Juneberry, Saskatoon, Shadbush, Shadblow, May Cherry, Servicetree, and Sarvisberry.

No matter what it is called, the Serviceberry features gorgeous beauty in the spring, summer, and fall!

Serviceberry kicks off the fun as beautiful, perfectly formed, 5 petaled, fragrant, white flowers! The fluffy drifts of white flowers that smother these plants will be a welcome sight! Blooming profusely during the spring, your local bees and butterflies are as grateful for the nectar and pollen-rich show! They can be so numerous that they are sure to have a dazzling effect on your spring landscape!

Then Serviceberry shrubs fill out in airy, finely textured bluish-green leaves for the rest of the growing season! That is until Serviceberry bushes transform into their brilliant fall wardrobe!

Serviceberry In The Landscape

Growing in a variety of heights and widths depending on the cultivar, Serviceberry shrubs began their journey into our gardens as pretty native shrubs! This makes them great in commercial sites throughout the country because of their beauty and adaptability!

These shrubby trees cast light shade without smothering your lawn or shading out smaller plants that grow below their graceful canopy!

Not only do the Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry and Cole's Select Serviceberry have the best fall color, but they are one of the largest that we sell! Growing upward of 20-plus feet in height!

Serviceberry Plants InfographicThe biggest flowering displays include the Lustre® Serviceberry and Cumulus Serviceberry which will erupt into drifts of gleaming white blossoms!

Try a columnar First Editions® Standing Ovation™ Serviceberry and Regent Saskatoon as street trees or gorgeous potted plants for when space is short!

Gorgeous and flavorful Saskatoon Serviceberry is considered the best for fruiting!

Bushy varieties like the native Shadblow Serviceberry and Native Downy Serviceberry create large drifts of flowers and multi-trunked airy brilliance all year, making them ideal windbreaks, hedges, and screening!

Juicy Serviceberry Berries!

These beautiful flowering shrubs quickly transform into large blueberry-sized and shaped reddish-purple fruit that you and your songbirds will love!

Ripening in June and earning them the nickname June Berry (Juneberry), the Amelanchier is great for wildlife shrubs and edible landscaping ornamental! Serviceberries produce a pome fruit, botanically similar to apples and pears. Harvest these juicy berries and snack on just a few in the process, but not too many.

The Blueberry/Pear/Apple-like flavor is mildly sweet and fruity, with an almond aftertaste. The almond flavor is because the small seeds inside each fat berry have a small amount of cyanide, so a few raw fruits are ok, but don't eat too many.

Treat Serviceberry as you would Elderberry and cook down the fruit and turn them into juice - straining out the seeds. The juice can be then made into preserves and syrup! The fruit can also be baked into pies and pastries since cooking breaks down the cyanide and renders it inert!

The fruit is a good source of manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, copper, and carotenoids! Freeze the fruit for later use or leave the excess for the birds! Better yet, buy multiple varieties of these self-fertile shrubby trees and enjoy enough fruit for everyone and everything!

Caring For Your Serviceberry!

Serviceberries are easy to grow and need very little extra care! This is what makes them ideal landscape additions and for commercial sites! Smaller varieties even handle being planted in large pots and containers!

  • Tolerate some shade but will perform best in full sun for the most fruit.
  • Add Nature Hills Root Booster at planting time
  • Grows in any kind of well-drained soil with moderate moisture
  • Drought-tolerant once established, but for best fruit set, provide supplemental water
  • Flowers on new wood - Prune late winter or early spring before new growth emerges

When planting young Serviceberry trees, a stake may be required to protect the plant from wind or other natural circumstances. Check out the Tree Starter Kit which has everything you need to get started!

Showy Serviceberry Shrubs!

Dreamy clouds of white for your spring landscapes, add airy lightness to mixed borders, and show off big time every fall - Plus delicious fruit - You can't go wrong planting an easy-care Serviceberry Shrub for your garden today!

Nature Hills offers several varieties of Serviceberry Shrubs and Trees that will look great in your landscape all growing season long! Check out all the amazing options we have and their incredibly flavorful fruit for your edible landscape and call to order yours today at (402) 934-8116!Shop Serviceberry Shrubs

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