Advice for Overwintering Your Roses!
Most people cover their Roses for the winter too early! Not only are you depriving the plant of soaking up every ounce of sun the leaves possibly can before dropping,...
Charlotte... |
Most people cover their Roses for the winter too early! Not only are you depriving the plant of soaking up every ounce of sun the leaves possibly can before dropping,...
Charlotte... |
Pretty workhorses, Landscaping Shrub Roses are a category of Rose bushes that are among the hardiest, easiest to grow, and most forgiving Roses around! Ideal for all kinds of landscape...
Nature Hills Nursery |
Big, colorful flouncy petals and incredible fragrance, the hardy Beach Rose is widely regarded as one of many gardeners' favorite landscaping Rose bushes! Butterflies, birds, and pollinators love rugged Rugosa...
Charlotte... |
Developed in 1954, Grandiflora Roses are a cross between a Floribunda and a Hybrid Tea Rose, gaining the long stems and fragrance of Tea Roses, with Floribunda-style clusters of flowers...
Charlotte... |
The gorgeous floriferous Floribunda Rose, prolific and fully petalled, these beloved Rose Garden standards have been a fan favorite for hundreds of years! The Floribunda Rose is a cross between...
Nature Hills Nursery |
Nature Hills Nursery loves Roses! Our spectacular Rose bush offerings include many styles, sizes, and colorful Rose varieties! But we also focus on ensuring you receive a quality Rose root...
Charlotte... |
Take everything you love about Roses and raise them to new heights by grafting them upon a strong, sturdy, and straight single-stem trunk, and these already iconic blooming shrubs become...
Charlotte... |
Roses are well known for their beauty, long-lasting blooms, and fragrance! Now that Autumn is around the corner - many types of Shrub Roses and Wild Roses are finishing their...
Charlotte... |
Roses have long been thought to be fussy and fastidious but in reality, it's just a handful of reasons why old-fashioned Rose bushes earned this reputation! After all, Wild Roses...
Whitney... |
“Of all flowers, methinks a rose is best.” – William Shakespeare, The Two Noble Kinsmen What do you call a Rose by any other name? What about one that smells...
Charlotte... |
There’s an amazing, dizzying, and incredible array of Roses out there! So many it may be difficult to narrow down which one you want! If only we had the room...
Charlotte... |
Fast-growing, scented, and ruffled Climbing Roses set the stage for a romantic backyard getaway or delightful garden soirée with your friends and loved ones! Start setting the stage in your...
Charlotte... |
Opulent new Rose bushes are colorful, fragrant, substantial and so satisfying NatureHills.com is one of the Internet's very best places for buying big, beautiful Rose bushes. Our growers are the...
Nature Hills Nursery |