The gorgeous floriferous Floribunda Rose, prolific and fully petalled, these beloved Rose Garden standards have been a fan favorite for hundreds of years!
The Floribunda Rose is a cross between Hybrid Tea and Polyantha Roses (which were originally Climbing Roses), the resulting Floribunda retains the best of both parents! The goal was to create a Rose that bloomed with Polyantha profusion and with the Hybrid Tea Rose color range! The resulting shrub produces single stems of many flowers, slightly smaller than Hybrid Tea Rose blooms, but borne in profuse Polyantha clusters! Often opening all at the same time, one stem can be a bouquet in itself!
Floribunda Roses smell divine! Heaven-scented and with an astounding array of scents from citrusy to damask, sweet and subtle. You’ll love their perfume on a warm summer morning!
With a wide range of sizes, colors, and forms to choose from, there is sure to be a Floribunda Rose bush for you!
How To Pick Your Floribunda Rose
Did we mention Floribunda Roses have tons of color choices? So how do you choose? (Not that we’re suggesting you have to choose just one!)
Some of the largest Floribunda Roses can be 5 to 9 feet tall (taller in some warmer regions of the country because the frost-free winters prevent them from dying back!), with the blushing Queen of Elegance™ Rose Tree being the tallest! The smallest Floribundas stay under 4 feet in height, with the dwarf Floribunda Trumpeter being the smallest at 1-2 feet high.
Then prepare to be amazed at the selection available for you with these incredible, and decidedly modern Rose bushes!
Blue & Purple Floribundas
From the lavender blue Arctic Blue™ Rose, available in both a shrub and tree form, to the Sweet Madame Blue™ Rose. The alluring Celestial Night™ Rose is a deep plummy color-changing purple Floribunda, and the hot-climate-friendly Love Song™ Rose will have you swooning!
Passionate purples like Intrigue Floribunda and Ebb Tide Rose enchant you, while more subtle lavenders like Silver Lining™, and Violet's Pride™ Rose infuse their soft hues to the sun garden. Then there is the striped mixture of plums, violets, and purples of the fancy Purple Tiger Rose!

White Floribunda Roses
The dreamy pure white Iceberg Rose, Easy Spirit™ Floribunda has a creamy center, and the White Licorice™ Floribunda Rose Bush and Rose tree have blooms that seem to glow from within!
Don’t forget the single-petalled Easy Elegance® Oscar Peterson™ Rose for a more Wild Rose look, featuring cheerful yellow centers the bees love!

Reds & Pink Floribunda Roses
Sultry reds include the deep dark Drop Dead Red™ Rose and Oh My!™ Floribunda, to the smokey reds of Cinco de Mayo™. You’ll warm up to the unique Hot Cocoa™ Rose in no time too! Heat-loving Showbiz Rose Bush shines, and the Oh My!™ Floribunda Rose will have you exclaiming in surprise!
In pink, you can enjoy the barely there Earth Angel™ Parfuma® Floribunda Rose to the baby pink of Sexy Rexy™! The shockingly in-your-face Celestial Night™ jas dramatic magenta flowers. The romantically quartered Queen of Elegance™ Floribunda looks like something out of a romance novel!

Orange & Yellow Floribunda Rose Bushes
Heat things up with the Vavoom™ Rose Bush, the bi-color Chihuly® Rose, the frilly Easy Does It™ Floribunda Rose, or the glowing Forever Amber Rose with their orangy juicy hues! Dive into peachy apricots with Jump For Joy™ Rose and Cream Veranda® Rose if you want a more pastel approach!
Bring some cheer with the sunny and lemony yellow Roses like Doris Day and Julia Child™ Rose, the effervescent Sunbeam™ Veranda®, or the blazing Sunsprite Rose!

Multi-Colored Floribundas
Can't decide on a color? Try the best of both worlds with mixed color Floribundas like the funky Ketchup & Mustard™, Sheila's Perfume Rose, the pastel multi-hued Color Cocktail Rose, the artistically painted Frida Kahlo®, vibrant Oranges 'n' Lemons™ Floribunda, or the heavily perfumed Scentimental™ Floribunda Rose!

How Do You Use Floribunda Roses In The Landscape?
Like any specimen or special garden crown jewel, the Floribunda Rose easily becomes your garden's focal point! It will attract all the attention no matter what is planted around it!
- Plant as the primary specimen planting on a raised berm or in a prominent location
- Pot up in large planters on sunny porches, around the pool, or on your patios to enjoy their fragrance!
- Create groupings or rows of a single variety, or mix it up with multiple matching Floribundas!
- A must-have as part of any self-respecting Rose Garden collection!
- Cottage Gardens, Cut Flower Borders, and Pollinator Gardens!
- Gorgeous flowering hedges and backdrops throughout the sunny landscape!
Successfully Growing & Caring For Floribunda Roses
So, are Floribunda Roses hard to grow? Not at all!
Floribunda Roses are modern Roses. Many bring disease resistance to the table which is great for you! Plus, they have nearly effortless maintenance!
Some Floribundas are grafted while others may be grown on their own roots. Typically, Floribunda Roses have better cold-hardiness than Hybrid Teas. Making it easy for any gardener is sure to have success with a Floribunda Rose!
Floribunda Roses are easy to care for! They are not the fussy old-fashioned varieties that need constant pampering, but they'll be happy if you want to lavish all your attention on them if you do!
Do Floribunda Roses Have Thorns?
Like any Rose, most Floribunda Roses have thorns! They have to protect those gorgeous blooms somehow!
Where Is The Best Place To Plant a Floribunda Rose?
The most important part of growing any Rose bush is having a location in full sun to plant them in. They especially love a spot with morning sun that dries their foliage of morning dew, and they love areas with great air circulation.
If you have the right conditions, then find your Hardiness Zone to narrow down which Floribunda will grow best in your area of the country, and then select your size preference.
When should I cut back Floribunda Roses?
Floribundas are easy to prune! They should be trimmed lightly with shears to shape in the early spring - just when you see new growth appearing along the branches. Generally, you can prune the tops to 8-12 inches each year for maximum branching and evenly distributed bushiness. Prune away trouble spots and any winter dieback at this time as well.
You can read all about Pruning Roses, about winterizing and un-wintering Roses, plus more success tips in our #ProPlantTips Garden Blog! You’ll also find information about caring for Floribunda and other Rose Trees!
How Do I Care For Floribunda Roses In The Winter?
Hardiness varies greatly with Floribunda Roses, but generally, Rose gardeners in zones 7 and lower find it ideal to mound the plant's crowns with a foot of mulch in late fall - after they have been exposed to killing frosts and lose their foliage. Clean this foliage away from the area for sanitation purposes before filling a cage or mounding mulch over their crowns.
In the spring, clear away the excess mulch as your Rose begins to show signs its beginning to grow.
Do Floribunda Roses Need To Be Deadheaded?
Floribunda Roses are repeat bloomers! Regular deadheading will keep those blooms returning all summer into the fall and can be done at any time during the flowering season. Though you may not have to deadhead much as you snip stem after stem for your indoor floral bouquets!
Fertilize these plants in early spring and then again lightly in late spring. Mulch the roots with 3-4 inches of arborist bark chips and compost to keep them cool and moist, insulated, and free of weed competition.
Do Floribunda Roses Climb?
Despite having climbing Polyantha Roses as a parent, few Floribunda Roses are actually climbers. Many will have arching and cascading canes, but they won’t reach great heights or need support.
However, one Floribunda is a Climbing Rose with supple canes that can reach 12-14 feet and that is the Climbing Iceberg Rose!
Lose Yourself In The Fantasy Land of Floribunda Roses Today!
Gorgeous and fragrant, Floribunda Roses at Nature Hills fill your garden with beauty, and nearly non-stop flowers! Check out all of the frilly and easy-to-grow flowering Floribunda ornamental Rose shrubs and Floribunda Rose Trees available to you today!
Happy Planting!