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Grandiflora Roses: What Are They and How to Care for Them

Grandiflora Roses: What Are They and How to Care for Them

Charlotte... |

Developed in 1954, Grandiflora Roses are a cross between a Floribunda and a Hybrid Tea Rose, gaining the long stems and fragrance of Tea Roses, with Floribunda-style clusters of flowers on the ends of each branch.

Grandifloras are tall, vigorous Roses that produce very large blooms, and grow in clusters or 'trusses', rather than single blooms. Due to their gorgeous nature, the blooms are traditionally used in cut flower arrangements because Grandiflora Roses are consistent rebloomers that grow to various shapes and heights and are available in a wide range of colors!

Learn how to care for these dramatic Rose bushes and best use Grandiflora Roses throughout your landscape!


Using Grandiflora Roses In Your Garden

With a wide variety of sizes and forms, Grandiflora Roses shine in sunny landscapes throughout a wide range of planting zones! There is sure to be a Grandiflora for you, even if you live in a cold-growing zone of 4-5, a hot zone 8-10 planting climate, or need large shrubs or have a small garden or container garden to enjoy your Grandiflora Rose in!

These Rose bushes are ideal as a background or border planting! Larger Grandiflora Roses are great hedges, backdrops, and barrier plantings, while smaller shrubs add radiant color and flowers all summer through fall to even the tiniest of courtyard gardens! Grandiflora are also excellent as a solo specimen in a prominent sunny location.

Growing Grandiflora Roses!


Grandiflora Roses are simple and easy to work with! Having similar needs as other Roses, requiring full sun with plenty of morning sun, a location with very good air circulation, regular water and very well-drained soil to thrive. Provide a spring application of Rose fertilizer and another application in the summer according to package directions.


They are modern Rose shrubs with great disease resistance and pest resistance!

How Do You Prune Grandiflora Roses?

Prune off old flower heads to keep the blooms returning all growing season, trimming back to a section of stem with leaves with 5 leaflets. But we suspect you will be snipping plenty of stems for your bouquets, so you won’t have to do too much deadheading.

Hardy over a wide range, but in zones 7 and colder will need a mound of mulch in late fall to overwinter these just like Hybrid Teas and Floribundas.

Wait to prune your Grandiflora Roses until the spring just as you begin to see new growth emerging. Check our #ProPlantTips Garden Blog for the full scoop on getting Roses ready for winter, and un-wintering them in the spring!

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Garden In Grand Scale With Grandiflora Roses!

You’ll find a fine selection of Grandiflora Roses for sale at Nature Hills Nursery and find the one that works best for you. You can narrow down your choices by using our USDA zone filter to find those suited for your planting zone. You can also narrow down your choices by size, and color!

All of our Rose bushes are delivered safely to your home when the planting time is right in your area. Your new Grandiflora Rose Bushes arrive complete with instructions on planting, care, and storage, so you can order knowing you’ll have exactly what you need!

Happy Planting!

Shop Grandiflora Roses


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