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Magnolia Trees

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  • Jane Magnolia Tree Jane Magnolia Tree
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Magnolia Trees for Sale at Nature Hills Nursery

Did you know that Nature Hills Nursery offers more types of ornamental Magnolia trees than anyone else?

Pink Magnolia Bloom

There are about 210 types of magnolia trees, and we aim to have a consistent variety of magnolia trees for sale.

Nature knows a good thing when it sees it. Would you believe the very first flower that bloomed 100 million years ago looked a lot like a Magnolia flower?

Have fun looking at the eye candy and buying a Magnolia tree from Nature Hills Nursery. There are so many sizes, shapes, and colors to look at.

Each flower is a wonder, with up to 18 tepals, or fused petals and sepals. Each spring, they'll develop large buds that look a bit like Pussy Willows.

When Do Magnolia Trees Bloom?

White Magnolia

Most Magnolias are spring bloomers with fantastic flower displays. The blooms appear before the leaves come out.

You'll love the large, fragrant Magnolia flowers. You’ll also love the range of colors, including white, purple, yellow, pink and red. Look forward to the fantastic Tulip-like flowers covering the bare gray branches.

Many modern breeders are bringing new types of Magnolia trees to market with new colors, flower forms, plant forms, and even sizes. Some cultivars offer recurrent blooms or sporadic blooms that develop throughout the growing season.

Genie Magnolia has boldly colored blooms that make a brilliant sight fit for a focal point in a smaller garden. Strappy white petals make Royal Star Magnolia a standout in early spring.


Magnolia’s Ornamental Features Span the Seasons

You'll love seeing the cute orange seedpods develop, which give the Magnolia tree its nickname of cucumber tree. Now, don't try to eat these so-called cucumbers. Leave them for your local songbirds to enjoy.

Selecting a Magnolia Tree

Magnolias can be either evergreen or deciduous. Evergreen magnolia trees hold their leaves all winter, while deciduous Magnolias have an annual leaf drop. The textured, large leaves are easy to pick up.

Please know that even the evergreen varieties will occasionally lose their leaves. This is completely normal.

No matter how large or small your lot or where you live, chances are there is a Magnolia variety that will work for you. Site it correctly, so it has room to spread out. You won't want to have to prune this plant for size control and risk losing the weighty, showy, glamorous flowers.

Their massive flower displays are the reason for their popularity. The bold and colorful magnolia plant just gets better each year. Magnolia is a tough, disease-resistant tree that can handle some urban pollution.


Evergreen Magnolias are Handsome Shade Trees

Known throughout the South, Magnolia grandiflora is commemorated as the state tree of Louisiana and Mississippi. If you want to make a real statement in your landscape, look at the Green Giant and D.D. Blanchard.

These large trees should be used as an anchor in a large garden border. Need something smaller? Try Little Gem.

Most Magnolia trees have a medium growth rate. They'll grow about one to two feet a year as young trees with proper care.

Start with the largest container size we have in stock for faster results. A five-gallon Magnolia tree will be roughly 5 years old and make an immediate impression in your landscape.


The Best Place to Plant a Magnolia Tree

Magnolia Trees

Large Magnolia grandiflora's root systems are too aggressive for use as a street tree. They provide shade and make it a bit challenging for grass to grow underneath.

Why not mulch under the tree line? Magnolia roots systems love mulch, and you can underplant with a wide variety of shade plants such as Hosta, Ferns and some Azalea varieties.

Place these amazing Magnolia trees where they will command your attention. Use them as marvelous accents where you can see them from your house or street.

What a gift to give your family and neighborhood as they bloom during the shift from spring to summer. The leathery, evergreen leaves will give welcome shade in summer, and provide visual interest all year long.


Deciduous Magnolias for Ornamental Trees or Privacy Screens

We have several mid-sized Magnolias that are perfect to use as an accent tree. They make a fabulous focal point in your landscape. Try them outside your picture window, or outside the kitchen window.

Our Ornamental Magnolia tree selection includes white-flowering columnar Magnolia Kay Parris, canary-yellow flowering Butterflies magnolia, and the classic pink and white flowering Alexandrina Saucer Magnolia tree.

Grow these as either single-trunked trees or as large shrubs. When used as a large shrub, you’ll get multiple stems for more privacy.

Lower branched plants will put more flowers closer to the ground for your enjoyment. Magnolias grown in shrub form also make excellent screening plants.

Growing a Magnolia in a cold climate? When Nature grants you a great Magnolia spring, you'll be absolutely thrilled.


Dwarf Magnolia Trees Are Great for Small Space Gardens

Pink Magnolia  Trees

Yes, there are a variety of Magnolia tree sizes for sale on our website. Filter the size using our toolbars to find the perfect fit!

Petite Ann, Jane, and Betty are all part of the Little Girl Series. They fit perfectly in courtyards and small space gardens.

These darling small trees were developed and bred purposely to open a bit later in the season. This makes them less susceptible to late spring frosts that could damage the flower display.

Their flowers will all resemble purple or reddish-purple tulips with elongated buds as the flowers begin to develop. The darker-colored petals open to expose a lighter pink color.

Betty Magnolia actually opens to expose a white inside bloom with purple reflex. Imagine a woody shrub that covers itself in huge red-purple flowers for one of the most coveted displays in the world.

This series of small Magnolia trees can also be grown as special trees with a single trunk. Or allow the lower branches to fill in as wonderful screening plants.

You might choose to plant one as a remembrance to a dear friend, family member or even a pet in a memorial garden. Each year during spring, you'll be reminded of your loved one.


Magnolia Tree Care Starts With Proper Planting

Read more about Caring for Magnolia trees on the #ProPlantTips blog.

Plant bareroot Magnolias in spring when they are available from Nature Hills Nursery. Container-grown Magnolias can be successfully transplanted throughout the growing season.

Track your Magnolia tree shipment right to your doorstep. Open your sturdy box right away, and give your new plants a good drink.

Magnolias love a sunny, somewhat protected site out of exposed open areas. This is especially true in the colder USDA hardiness zones.

Select a site with well-drained soil. Allow enough room for the size of Magnolia that you have selected.

Dig a hole only as deep as the roots are, but much wider so that the roots can be spread in all directions. Don't plant any deeper than it was growing in the field or in the container.

Place your magnolia tree in the hole and backfill with the soil you excavated. Then saturate the soil completely to eliminate any air pockets around the roots.

Magnolias have fleshy roots, and they really need a 3-inch layer of wood mulch to protect them. Always pull mulch away from directly touching the stems.

Water as needed to get your new Magnolia tree established. Consistent water is especially important during periods of drought.


How to Prune Magnolia Trees

Each plant product page has a Plant Highlights section that gives you more information on your chosen selection. Plan for your young Magnolia tree to reach its full height and spread, and you'll avoid a lot of the pruning tasks for size control.

You can certainly shape your young Magnolias with light pruning directly after the blooms fade. Study your tree to come up with a pruning plan first.

Please don't prune Magnolias during winter dormancy. You'll be sad to miss out on the Magnolia flowers; wait until the showy display is finished.

Magnolias are special trees with a huge base of adoring fans. There is nothing like a Magnolia flower in bloom, especially in your own garden.

Need help choosing just the right magnolia tree? Email us at info@naturehills.com or call our plant experts at (402) 934-8116. Browse the magnolia trees for sale at Nature Hills Nursery and place your order today.

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