Happy, healthy, plants grown by experts and shipped right to your doorstep.

#ProPlantTips Blog

  • Top 5 Winter Interest Shrubs

    Top 5 Winter Interest Shrubs

    Winter is the ever-returning friend and foe of gardeners. You may rue the arrival of Jack Frost every year, driving you inside and sapping all the color from your garden....

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • Love Letters To Our Most Beloved Plants

    Love Letters To Our Most Beloved Plants

    It’s true, nature is a hopeless romantic at heart.  From heart-shaped petals to classic roses, the timeless beauty of nature has long left us captivated by cupid’s favorite color palette...

    Whitney... |

  • Reliable Nut Trees to Plant This Year!

    Reliable Nut Trees to Plant This Year!

    Starting a Nut Tree grove or wanting to beef up your backyard food access and support seasonal fresh food variability? Check out these fantastic edible Nut Trees that will reliably...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • 5 Plants With Silver Leaves

    5 Plants With Silver Leaves

    Sometimes, you just need something different in your yard! Something not just green! Many of your plants may have colorful flowers, but before and after those blooms, you need something...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • #ProPlantTips: How to Grow the Best Begonias!

    #ProPlantTips: How to Grow the Best Begonias!

    Flouncy and colorful, the beautiful Begonia is a shade gardener's favorite flowering plant! Collectors can be highly protective of their plant collections and eagerly seek out new hybrids and cultivars...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • How to Grow an Apple Tree

    How to Grow an Apple Tree

      Growing apple trees can be a fun and rewarding experience for the home gardener. Growing apple trees is a relatively easy process, and yields delicious fruit that can be...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • Planting and Taking Care of Dahlias!

    Planting and Taking Care of Dahlias!

    No flower will give a gardener a more spectacular reward than the Dahlia! This flower and all of its many varied forms, is an absolutely show-stopping variety that brings a...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • Five Trees for Early Spring Color!

    Five Trees for Early Spring Color!

    Once those winter snows and gloom fade at last, you need that burst of early spring color! Of course, there are spring flowering bulbs and shrubs, but after a long...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • Witch Hazel- The Shrub That You Didn't Know You Needed

    Witch Hazel- The Shrub That You Didn't Know You Needed

    Late blooming (or is it very early?) Witch Hazels support beneficial pollinators and add interest to your landscape when very few other plants are flowering! If you're ever disappointed that...

    Charlotte... |

  • Lovely Loropetalum - Chinese Fringe Flowers at Nature Hills!

    Lovely Loropetalum - Chinese Fringe Flowers at Nature Hills!

    Fringe Flower (Loropetalum) also known as the Chinese Fringe Flower, or sometimes spelled Fringeflower, are long-lived woody shrubs that are fantastic low-maintenance broadleaved evergreens that are space-saving and widely underutilized...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • Planting and Caring For Serviceberry Shrubs

    Planting and Caring For Serviceberry Shrubs

    Gorgeous drifts of white blossoms and flavorful fruit, the Serviceberry Shrub is a graceful and airy deciduous plant also known well for its dramatic fall color! Fragrant spring flower? Check!...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

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When ordering a tree or plant, make sure to know your planting zone.

You can determine your garden’s USDA hardiness zone by entering your Zip Code below.
