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Arborvitae Growth Rate Explained

Arborvitae Growth Rate Explained

Charlotte... |

Fluffy and full, the evergreen fan favorites with the fastest growth around, Arborvitae trees and shrubs continue to amaze with their many benefits!

With bountiful bright green growth that appears in the early spring, and its soft-to-the-touch greenery that continues throughout the entire growing season and winter months!

So what exactly does this fast growth mean to you?

Understanding Arborvitae Growth

With a name meaning 'Tree of Life', Arborvitae are prized for their dense growth that provides year-round greenery, privacy, and space-saving screening - but also are known for their dependable growth rate!

While not all Arborvitae are going to break records with their growth, many are going to amaze you and the rest are certainly not going to disappoint!

The rate at which Arborvitae grows will depend on the species in question and its age. You can't expect much from new installations until they are well-established in their new location in your yard. But once those roots are settled… watch them grow!

The Arborvitae growth will appear mostly in the spring during their initial growth phase, and you'll see the most growth on branches and stems that had been cut or sheared back the previous year.

Remember too, that even though Arborvitae are evergreens, they will shed the oldest, more inner foliage each fall as the plants grow taller and wider. Many gardeners get concerned about the yellow foliage dropping, but this is a very normal yearly process and you will see the outer foliage remains intact and green!

New Arborvitae growth will appear a bright, fresh yellow-green, contrasting with the rest of the plant, and be very soft. As it ages, the Arborvitae growth will become stiffer and the color will darken to match the rest of the plant.

technito globe

Species like the First Editions® Technito® Globe Arborvitae will grow at a pretty slow rate, but then again, they don’t get that large to begin with! Maxing out at just 2-3 feet tall and wide at maturity.

However, mid-rate growers like the Techny Arborvitae can grow at a rate of 2-3 feet per year once the plant has been established! Emerald Green Arborvitae keeps it steady at an easygoing 1-2 feet a year and American Pillar can top out at 3-4 feet a year.

One of the largest Arborvitae at maturity is the aptly named Green Giant. Their large size means they like to get to their 40-50 feet of height in a hurry, pushing up a whopping 5 feet or more of new growth until they reach their mature size!

green giant

Understanding Growth Rate Estimates

Most Arborvitae have their main burst of growth in the spring. No matter how well you take care of your tree or shrub, they will have their own mature height and width pre-engineered into their genetics and will slow their growth considerably as they reach their mature size. Their genetics will also determine the ultimate speed at which any plant can grow.

Arborvitae respond beautifully to trimming and shearing tightening up the form, and holding the plants at a size you like best. It will stimulate the plants to grow a fresh layer of growth and help fill in any bare spots, creating a denser, fuller plant. As well as revitalizing your shrub when it begins to become weary-looking or lose its bushiness.

Remember that growth rates are also estimates. Many factors, including age, location, climate, and growing conditions will have a large part to play in how fast any plant grows! So these estimates are for plants grown in optimal conditions.

  • Choose the plants appropriate for your climate (your USDA Planting Zone)
  • The right amount of sun - Some Arborvitae can be quite shade tolerant, others need more sun. When grown in the shade, the plants will be more open and loose.
  • Good rich soil that drains well
  • Plenty of moisture access when it needs it most
  • A mulched bed is very beneficial
  • Responds well to Fertilizer applications when needed

This includes proper pruning techniques, and proper timing when you prune!

Pruning Arborvitae For The Most Growth

Pruning your Arborvitae at the proper time will get you the most new growth and also treat you to a smooth, even flush of growth at the same time.

Pruning should not be done in the fall as it may expose some of the growth to more sunlight which may be exposed to drying winter winds in colder regions. Instead pruning in spring after the flush of growth is best so any growth that develops after pruning will have a chance to harden off properly before winter.

hand with twezers

Pinching back leaves or growth tips will also encourage new growth in specific areas, shearing creates an even smooth finish that is more manicured, and hand pruning gives you control over where the individual cuts are made, so knowing what your Arborvitae shrub or tree needs and what the ultimate shape and goal you have for your plant will determine which technique you will employ.

Any kind of pruning however will encourage the plant to split and grow two branches from that location, creating fullness and creating a finer texture overall. Less pruning will result in more individualized branches and a coarser look overall. Sometimes leggy looking when too much time has passed between haircuts.

Pruning Arborvitae growth should be done at a forty-five-degree angle, and only about a quarter inch above a lateral bud that is pointing outward. This will not only even up the tree or shrub, but it will also help to encourage it to grow in a more steady and complete form the following growing season.

More information about Arborvitae Pruning can be found in books at a local County Extension Office and in our #ProPlantTips Garden Blog.

Supporting Arborvitae Growth

Keep your Arborvitae growing at its best with these simple tricks to give them the support they need!

  1. Choose a larger plant/container size when ordering. This means a more mature root system is shipped to your doorstep and a larger root system is where it's at when it comes to faster establishment and later … faster growth!
  2. Use Nature Hills Root Booster at the time of planting. We recommend one packet per large plant. Our Root Booster and/or a root stimulator is a life-long root system supporting mycorrhizal fungi that aids new root development, assists with the breakdown of nutrients and the uptake of moisture, and helps your investment establish faster!
  3. Choose a well-drained site for your plants as soggy soil impedes root growth and therefore slows down or halts topside growth, creating a weaker or stressed plant down the road.
  4. Ensure your new installations always have proper moisture access. Missing a watering can mean new feeder roots can dry out and die and slow down the establishment process. We recommend using the Finger Test daily to see if your new plant needs water.
  5. A good 3-4 inch deep layer of arborist mulch around the base of your plant holds in moisture more consistently, enriches the soil, and insulates the roots from heat and cold. It also makes things look nice and tidy!
  6. Prune at the right time. Avoid hard pruning when your plants are dormant and during extreme summer heat or drought. Pruning stimulates growth and these are all times when any plant shouldn’t be trying to grow. A mid-spring trim is best, but removing dead branches, broken stems, and browned sections can be done at any time.
  7. Fertilize according to package directions with a good evergreen fertilizer that keeps the soil at the slightly acidic pH that Arborvitae likes best. Generally, lighter foliage color and seed production is a sign it is hungry.
arborvitae tricks infographic

    Get Ready To Watch Them Go!

    Once you've ensured your Arborvitae have everything they need to thrive, sit back and watch them take off!

    Get the most of these incredible hedges, foundation plants, and all-around easy-care evergreens with these tips and more from NatureHills.com!

    Happy Planting!

    Find Your Garden's Growing Zone!

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    When ordering a tree or plant, make sure to know your planting zone.

    You can determine your garden’s USDA hardiness zone by entering your Zip Code below.
