Pecan Trees for Sale at Nature Hills Nursery
Pecan trees (Carya illinoinensis) are useful, beautiful, hardwood trees that are native to the southern United States. You'll find a range of Pecan trees for sale at Nature Hills Nursery. You can even order a pollination pair of these native nut trees for a faster nut harvest to create the recipes you love.

Maybe you've loved pecan pie your whole life. Why not grow your own Candy Pecan tree populations for fresh baking ingredients? That way, you get to enjoy homegrown nuts as well as a terrific shade tree.
Perhaps you have some sun and open ground on your property and want to get into Pecan farming as a hobby or enterprise. Growing Pecan trees is a great idea.
After all, delicious pecans are the most widely produced nut in America. Our farmers produce roughly 80% of the world's annual consumption, according to the U.S. Pecan Growers Council.
Pecans start producing at 6 to 10 years of age, and they continue producing for many decades. A mature tree has the capability of producing 70 to 150 pounds of nuts each year, depending on the cultivar.
Showy, large Pecans thrive in USDA Hardiness Zones 6 through 9. These trees make wonderful shade trees, but the real value comes from the delicious nuts.
How long do Pecan trees live? These hard-working trees can often live for 300 years or more. Their deep taproot makes the Pecan quite a sturdy tree. Before you even think about browsing the Pecan trees for sale, make sure you have the proper location for them to thrive. Choose your planting site carefully to ensure the tree gets full sun and plenty of air circulation.
Pecan trees also make a sturdy, handsome landscape tree. Plant them in a row along your property line for a stately view from the road.
Buy Pecan Trees in Pairs: You Need Both Types of Flowering Trees

Successfully growing Pecan trees requires both male pollen and female flowers. You need more than one tree to ensure cross-pollination and a great harvest.
Although Pecan trees have both male and female flowers on the same tree, they aren't self-pollinating. That means you want to buy Pecan trees in pairs for a productive orchard.
You'll need a Type 1 and a Type 2 for fruitful trees that cross-pollinate. Plant pollinating Pecan trees no more than 80 feet apart on center, measuring from the center of one tree to the center of the next.
Type 1 Pecan trees are protandrous and release male pollen before the female flowers are ready to receive. Type 2 Pecan trees are protogynous, and they release male pollen after the female flowers are receptive.
Look on every product page for the right pollination partner. Growing Pecan trees means adding at least two trees to your landscape.
Choosing the Best Pecan Varieties for Your Needs
Different types of Pecan trees have been cultivated to suit geographies and climates. You've certainly heard of the Texas Pecan tree, as they happen to be the state tree.
In addition, each of these named cultivars produce different kinds of pecans for eating fresh, cooking and baking, and shipping.
The best Pecan variety for eating is a little bit subjective. Type 2 Elliot Pecan do win taste tests for their rich flavor and reliable harvest of delicious and uniform nuts.
Northern growers should plant Hardy Pecan, a tough tree that works even into Zone 5a. That variety is the best choice for northerners to grow homegrown pecan nuts.
Most Pecan tree varieties grow quite large. True dwarf pecan trees don't exist, at least not yet, but Type 1 Pawnee Pecan is compact for a better fit in smaller lots.
Type 2 Choctaw Pecan tree grows attractive nuts with a thin shell. It makes a good pollinator for Pawnee Pecan trees.
Can I Grow a New Pecan Tree From a Nut?
Sure, you can try to grow new Pecan trees from nuts, but they will be a brand new type of tree. Each nut is the product of pollination from two parents, so there may be some surprises in store for you.
Most people think waiting 10 years to be surprised isn't the best route to take. We offer dependable cloned varieties of Pecan trees for sale that deliver the results you expect.
Our expert growers take a scion from small Pecan tree cultivars, and graft them to rootstock. This way, you're sure to get consistent performance and the desired qualities you are after.
On a large property or food forest, it's fine to plant pecan trees from nuts after proper scarification. Create groves to bring game and add in our Oaks, Plums and Cedars.
The bottom line: buying Pecan trees for sale online saves you time. Don't forget to factor in the opportunity costs of missed harvest years in the initial outlay of a Pecan tree cost.
Our expertly grown Pecan trees for sale ship directly to your doorstep when the time is right for planting. Please be aware that our crops sell out very quickly these days, so be prepared to place your order right away if you see your tree in stock.
We do offer bare root Pecan trees periodically. That time-tested method can be a very cost-effective way to purchase grafted Pecan trees.
Call us with questions on large wholesale orders, as we may be able to help you source quality bedded Pecan tree seedlings for sale. Grow the Pecan tree saplings yourself in a pot for several years.
Or, just roll with our expertise to save yourself time and hassle over the long term. After all, Nature Hills Nursery has been growing and shipping live trees since 2001.
Grafted Pecan Trees for Sale
For a managed orchard, most farmers choose to go with grafted varieties. Save time with the largest container size we have in stock.
Remember that large taproot! We carefully balance the size of the root ball and their success in transplanting.
Select our most mature Pecan trees for sale. This gives you a big boost on a full harvest. Larger starter trees are also easier to grow, spray and protect.
We recommend that you look state university research programs online, like those from the University of Georgia. Or, reach out to your local agriculture extension office with questions on spraying schedules.
Type 1 Desirable Pecan trees are heat-tolerant and start producing early. These papershell nuts self-prune early in the season, so you can harvest nice, large nuts without having to thin them.
Type 2 Stuart Pecan trees are an easy-care option that produces big harvests once they reach production.
Type 2 Sumner Pecan trees are hardy trees that shows good disease resistance. They are big producers of large, tasty nuts.
Add new cultivars to cross-pollinate and you may also help old Pecan trees produce nuts. After all, a mature Pecan tree can produce nuts for 100 years.
These are the perfect plants to make the most of your sunshine and space. Whether you are looking for cold-hardy Wisconsin Pecan trees for sale, or to buy Pecan trees for Georgia or Arizona climates, Nature Hills Nursery helps you make it happen.
Click the photos to learn more, or call our plant experts at (402) 934-8116. We're here to help you buy Pecan trees that are healthy, well-rooted and cost effective. Place your Pecan tree order at today.