Flowing arching stems smothered in beautiful flowers, weeping shrubs impart a magical quality to the landscape with their easy-going waterfall-like growth!
Learn more about how to add some romance to your home’s foundation, property hedges, and landscape borders with these cascading flowering bushes available at Nature Hills!
Top 10 Weeping Flowering Shrubs
- 10. Purple Pixie® Weeping Fringe Flower
- 9. Sacramento Weeping Crape Myrtle
- 8. Crispleaf Stephanandra Lace Shrub
- 7. Dream Catcher® Beauty Bush
- 6. Blue Cascade® Evergreen Distylium
- 5. Emerald Beauty™ Cotoneaster
- 4. Summer Wine® Ninebark
- 3. Fairytrail Bride® Cascade Hydrangea®
- 2. Old-Fashioned Spiraea
- 1. Cascade Butterfly Bushes
- Honorable Mention
Nature Hills Top Weeping Flowering Shrubs
Add that fairytale effect to the garden with a specimen planting, grouping, or long winding row of these deciduous flowering bushes!
Top 10 Weeping Flowering Shrubs
10. Purple Pixie® Weeping Fringe Flower
Deep purplish-burgundy foliage all growing season and delightful tassel-like hot pink flowers, the Purple Pixie® Weeping Fringe Flower (Loropetalum chinense 'Peack') brings in the bees, butterflies, and Hummingbirds throughout the entire growing season! A relative of the Witchhazel family, this broadleaf evergreen dwarf shrub only grows about 2 feet tall but cascades into fountains of arching, slender branches 4-5 feet wide! Enjoy the burgundy leaves year-round without requiring pruning to keep them looking their best!
- Year-Round Burgundy Foliage
- Tassel-Like Hot Pink Flowers
- Blooms Sporatically All Growing Season
- Dwarf But Wide-Spreading Broadleaf Evergreen
- Spills Over Retaining Walls, Flowing Facer Plants & Weeping Container Specimens
Hardy throughout USDA growing zones 7 to 10, Purple Pixie® Loropetalum shrubs are rabbit and deer-resistant, low-maintenance, long-lived, and highly pest and disease-resistant!
9. Sacramento Weeping Crape Myrtle

Usually tall and wide-spreading shrubs or trees, the Sacramento Weeping Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica 'Sacramento') is a smaller weeping form of the incredible Crape Myrtle family! This lovely shrub may be weeping and a true dwarf, but it doesn't skimp on any of the traits so beloved in its larger cousins. The big clusters of crinkly, crepe-papery rose-pink blooms droop on long weeping stems. Growing just 1-2 feet in height and weeping 2-3 feet wide, this is a showy summer to autumn flowering ornamental!
- Papery Clusters of Rose-Pink Flowers
- Long Slender Arching Stems
- Hardy Deciduous Dwarf Weeping Shrub
- Long Lasting Summer to Fall Flowers
- Very Easy To Grow & Loves Heat & Humidity
- Facer Shrub, Container Specimen, Small Properties & Low Ornamental Hedges
Hardy throughout USDA growing zones 6 to 10, Sacramento soaks up the sun and heat!
8. Crispleaf Stephanandra Lace Shrub
Crispleaf Stephanandra Lace Shrub (Stephanandra incisa 'Crispa') is a lovely groundcover shrub with stems that arch and bend to create an enticing waterfall effect. Accented by tiny yellowish flowers in the spring, these shrubs colonize and fill large areas of ground in the sun or part shade. Every place that a stem touches the ground - it roots! You’ll love the maple leaf-like fine-textured foliage and blazing yellow and orange fall color! Great texture and erosion control Lace Shrubs are very easy to grow!
- Deeply Incised Green Leaves
- Tiny Yellow Flowers In Spring
- Arching Waterfall-Like Groundcover
- Stems Root As They Spread
- Dramatic Yellow & Orange Fall Color
- Erosion Control, Low Landscape Filler, Living Mulch & Container Specimen
These work for filling large areas, growing just under 2-3 feet tall but spreading 2-4 feet wide. With no disease or pest issues, this deciduous shrub even looks great in the winters of USDA planting zones 4 to 7.
7. Dream Catcher® Beauty Bush

The bright chartreuse foliage of the Dream Catcher® Beauty Bush (Kolkwitzia amabilis 'Maracdo') is stunning with its neatly arranged opposite leaves that form all along the long branches. Early spring brings clusters of pink Weigela-like trumpet-shaped flowers that form the length of each branch, and the pollinators flock toward them! Known for its ever-changing foliage that emerges in spring as copper, then turns yellow before maturing to a green-tinted golden-chartreuse by summer and finally transforms orange and gold in fall.
- Lovely Pink Flower Clusters Along The Entire Stem
- Gently Arching Stems & Fountain Like Growth
- Large Scale Deciduous Shrub
- Foliage Emerges Copper, Becomes Yellow & Matures Chartreuse
- Dramatic Golden-Orange Fall Color!
- Deer Seldom Eat These
- Showy Specimens, Hedges, Privacy, Backdrops & Foundation Accents
Also spelled Beautybush, Kolkwitzia loves the sun and part shade, these deciduous shrubs are deer-resistant! Dream Catcher® is hardy throughout USDA planting zones 4 to 9, Dream Catcher® grows up to 6 feet tall but spreads in a fountain-like fashion just 3-4 feet wide.
6. Blue Cascade® Evergreen Distylium
A low-maintenance Witch Hazel family member, the unusual Blue Cascade® Evergreen Distylium (Distylium 'PIIDIST-II') is known for its gravity-defying blue-green leaves that emerge reddish brown, then blush from red to burgundy from January to March! The upright foliage forms along cascading branches. Reddish-maroon flowers bloom late winter into early spring and form into little tufts, closely gathered on either side of the entire stem. This is a widely underutilized shrub with broadleaf evergreen leaves that are colorful and showy all on their own! Compound Blue Cascades® unusual upright foliage and weeping branching effect with a dramatic layered-looking form.
- Upright Blue-Green Foliage
- Arching Weeping Layered Branches
- Coppery Foliage Ages Blue-Green Then Transitions Burgundy For Fall & Spring
- Reddish-Maroom Flowers
- Mid-Sized Low Hedges, Backdrops, Large Planter Accents & Facer Plants
- Pest & Disease-Free Boxwood Alternative
This versatile broadleaf evergreen will add texture and low-lying interest to your yard or garden all year round! Hardy throughout USDA planting zones 6 to 9, Distylium won’t mind heat, sun, or humidity and are a fantastic 3-4 foot tall and wide alternative to Boxwood shrubs.
5. Emerald Beauty™ Cotoneaster
Emerald Beauty™ Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster suecicus 'OSUCOT2') Each year, in the late spring and early summer, the leaves are covered in copious amounts of petite, white flowers. They pack a flower power punch with their prominent yellow stamens. The fall brings bright orange-red berries the birds go crazy for, and you’ll love the winter interest and contrast they have against the dark green glossy leaves.- Deep Green Glossy Leaves
- Tiny White Flowers For Pollinators
- Bright Orange-Red Bird-Friendly Berries In Autumn
- Hardy Broadleaf Evergreen Groundcover Shrub
- Facer Plants, Container Spillers, Front Garden Edging & Erosion Control
- Drought-Tolerant, Disease-Resistant & Adaptable
Originally bred by Oregon State University to be especially disease resistant, especially against Fire Blight, this broadleaf evergreen groundcover shrub grows just 2 feet high and spreads 3-4 feet wide. Growing in USDA hardiness zones 5 to 9, very little bothered these durable shrubs.
4. Summer Wine® Ninebark

The gorgeous smokey purple Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Summer Wine® Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius 'Seward') has absolutely gorgeous arching branches that grow up and out before reaching down to sweep the ground! Festooned by late spring with clusters of pinkish-white flowers, these showy deciduous shrubs are related to Roses. The flowers become rosy seed capsules that accent the wine-red fall color. The Summer Wine® rounds out the winter with the classic Ninebark exfoliating stems.
- Dramatic Burgundy Purple Fine-Cut Foliage
- Pinkish White Round Flower Clusters Along Arching Stems
- Gorgeous Wine-Red Fall Color
- Exfoliating Bark
- Very Fast & Easy to Grow
Like the arching green-leafed Common Ninebark, this deciduous shrub is low-maintenance throughout USDA planting zones 3 to 7 and is remarkably cold-tolerant.
3. Fairytrail Bride® Cascade Hydrangea®
A cascading Hydrangea? You bet! The Proven Winners® Fairytrail Bride® Cascade Hydrangea® (Hydrangea x 'USHYD0405') romantically spills over garden edges and containers. Becoming smothered in white lace-cap flowers with scalloped petal edges, this is a lacy and unusual little Hydrangea! Cascade Hydrangeas® only reach 4 feet tall and wide, but are elegant and hardy in heat and sun!
- First Weeping Hydrangea in America
- White Lacecap Flowers Develop Pink Tints With Age
- Dark Green Foliage & Spilling Stems
- Great In Containers & Planters
- Romantic Specimens, Hedges, Foundation Plantings & Groupings
Fairytrail Bride® grows throughout USDA planting zones 6 to 9 and handles humidity beautifully. Great in full sun and partial shade gardens.
2. Old-Fashioned Spiraea

The Snowmound Spirea, Bridalwreath Spirea, Renaissance Spirea, and Vanhouttei Spirea have masses of snow-white spring flowers along the entire length of the long, slender, mounded and arching stems! These are romantic flowing deciduous shrubs that look fantastic long after the drifts of flowers fade as the fine-textured foliage gets its time to shine. Large-sized deciduous shrubs, Spirea are incredible long-lived old-fashioned classics!
- Drifts of Snow-White Lacy Flower Clusters
- Blooms Along The Entire Stem
- Large Fountains of Cascading Arching Branches
- Fine-Textured Green Foliage
- Easy & Fast to Grow
- Old-Fashioned Long-Lived Shrubs!
Hardy in a wide range of USDA planting zones 4 to 8, these Spireas can grow up to 5 to 8 feet in height and width quickly. Deer-resistant and easily pruned smaller after the flowers fade, Butterflies adore these spring flowering ornamentals!
1. Cascade Butterfly Bushes

Get oohs and ahhs and butterflies galore with the Cascade line of Butterfly Bushes (Buddleia). These hybrid shrubs have all the same aromatic foliage and big fluffy panicles of blooms as their cousins, but the soft Pink Cascade Butterfly Bush, light Lavender Cascade Butterfly Bush, and pastel purple Grand Cascade Butterfly Bush all have huge blooms and arching stems that form fountains of colorful and fragrant heavily drooping blossoms! Low water-usage plants, these Buddleia are fast-growing and so easy to grow!
- Big Fluffy Pointed Panicles of Tightly Packed Pastel Florets
- Scented & Very Showy
- Nectar-Laden Butterfly-Friendly Blooms
- Aromatic Gray-Green Foliage
- Fountain-Like Growth
- Gorgeous Garden Specimens, Large Planters, Foundation Hedges & Accents
Hardy throughout USDA planting zones 5 to 10 (with the exception of Lavender Cascade which is USDA zones 5 to 9), these are heat and humidity-tolerant deciduous shrubs with a very long-lasting flowering season! Growing about 5 feet or more in height, and between 5-7 feet wide, spilling and drooping elegantly!
Honorable Mention

The container-sized and fruitful Sapphire Cascade® Blueberry bush has arching, trailing branches that droop more when laden with dark sapphire juicy and sweet fruit after the showy white flowers are pollinated. Then in fall, the fiery red fall foliage shows off big time!
Gorgeous Weeping Landscape Spillers!
Include these highly ornamental shrubs in your landscape and enjoy the many perks each brings to your world! Fall color, spring blooms, pollinators, and even fruit, arching and trailing showy bushes will bring another level of beauty to your home and garden!
Check out all these beautiful plants to boost your curb appeal and transform the mundane into romantic fairytale status!
Happy Planting!