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#ProPlantTips: Using Seed Mixes to Maximize Impact

#ProPlantTips: Using Seed Mixes to Maximize Impact

Whitney... |

Introducing custom-blended Seed Mixes to easily create a Prairie or Native garden!

A fantastic blend of regional wildflowers that grow natively over a wide range, you’ll enjoy their hardiness, Pollinator and songbird-friendly blooms they recognize, caterpillar host plants, and are adapted to your area!

Handling sun and a wide range of conditions and climates that these plants would typically endure in their ecosystems. From fire to drought to flooding, sun, heat, and cold; these plants also must compete with the vigorous root systems of other native plants and changing conditions.

Check out the beautiful Seed Mixtures available at Nature Hills!

Geared for a wide range of growing zones throughout the US, these carefully selected blends of wildflowers and native plants grow indigenously.

Scatter these seeds into sunny, new, or existing landscapes! Work up the soil and gently rake these seeds into a sunny part of your existing landscape, or perhaps in place of lawn to mow! Use for prairie restoration gardens, native wildflower gardens, habitat restoration, and to provide nectar and pollen sources that Pollinators like native bees and butterflies recognize and have evolved alongside!

Use for prairie restoration gardens, native wildflower gardens, habitat restoration, and to provide nectar and pollen sources that Pollinators like native bees and butterflies recognize and have evolved alongside!

Must haves to include in the beneficial insect borders in the sun. Scatter the seeds among your mixed Perennial gardens and Cottage borders to boost your local ecology.

Transform that patch of wilderness along the back strip of your yard, or create a meadow where the water-hungry lawn along the sunny side yard or backyard. Plus you'll enjoy wildflower bouquets brimming in beauty and variety all spring and summer and even until the autumn!

That’s because these mixtures have flowers that bloom throughout each part of the growing season so that something will always be in flower!

wildflowers in the prairie

Maximize Native Impact!

Everyone knows how important it is to boost local pollinators and plant natives which work with the climate and conditions of your area!

Many homeowners are learning how vital it is to reduce water-hungry turf areas and fill barren open spaces by including these vital plants to attract wildlife, birds, and beneficial insects to your yard. You will easily create an important buffer zone of deep-rooted plants with long-term savings on maintenance for the area compared to turfgrass!

Even if it is a small patch of wild in the backyard, or going full meadow in your front yard, these bits of wilderness are lifelines for birds and bees!

These native wildflowers and prairie plants can be planted to help slow rainwater runoff and erosion, filtering the water before it returns to our wetlands and bodies of water. Plant them on a hard-to-mow hillside or bare slope to transform them into native displays!

Common Milkweed and Yarrow

Likewise, the prairie seed mixtures are also highly adapted to wildfires and drought, their deep roots and specialized leaves prevent moisture loss from the sun and occasional drought. This makes them perfect for the Xeric landscape and fire-wise defensible landscaping plans!

These pretty seed mixtures include plants that bloom at different times of the growing season for a pretty array of blooms from spring til summer!

Our team of growers has developed a collection of perennial and even a few annual plants as either native to a particular region or as prairie plants that are native that perform well!

Each plant is listed by Genus and species and we have engineered each blend into regional mixtures that look and work well together! Able to perform as their own small plant community to be attractive, and offer flowering throughout the different times of the year!

These are also specially selected to attract beneficial insects and the seed pods feed songbirds.

Check Out The Regional Seed Blends Available At Nature Hills!

The Prairie Seed Mix

This blend of Prairie seeds includes 16 species, geared for former tall and short-grass prairie regions that receive loads of sun and have access to very well-drained soil conditions. These plants not only handle sun, heat, and cold but also are wonderful fire-wise landscaping plants that survive occasional droughts!

  • American Germander (Teucrium canadense)
  • Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta)
  • Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) are Monarch butterfly host plants
  • Fourpoint Evening Primrose (Oenothera rhombipetala)
  • Heal All aka: Selfheal (Prunella vulgaris)
  • Plains Bee Balm (Monarda pectinate) Hummingbird-friendly blooms
  • Porcupine Grass (Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus')
  • Prairie Ragwort (Packera plattensis)
  • Purple Poppy Mallow (Callirhoe involucrata)
  • Scaly Blazingstar (Liatris squarrosa), also known as Gayfeather
  • Showy Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata)
  • Showy Goldenrod (Solidago speciosa) showy late blooming perennials
  • Sideoats Grama (Bouteloua curtipendula) are perennial ornamental native grasses Western Wallflower (Erysimum asperum)
  • Willow-Leaved Sunflower (Helianthus salicifolius)
  • Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) are excellent perennials
Prairie Seed Flower Images

The Native Wildflower Seed Mix

A fantastic blend of 8 hardy native wildflowers that Pollinators and songbirds adore! Hardy in both hot and cold regions and beyond, this wildflower seed mixture will fill your landscape with fresh color.

  • American Germander (Teucrium canadense)
  • Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) is very bird-friendly!
  • Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) are Monarch butterfly host plants
  • Fourpoint Evening Primrose (Oenothera rhombipetala)
  • Purple Poppy Mallow (Callirhoe involucrata)
  • Showy Goldenrod (Solidago speciosa)
  • Western Wallflower (Erysimum asperum)
  • Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
Native Wildflower seed mix flowers

There are also rice hulls included to help with the aid in seed distribution when sowing.

Planting Seed Mixtures

It’s easy to get your own native wildflower or prairie flower garden growing!

  1. Remove any existing vegetation, like grasses and weeds, from the site you’ve selected
  2. Loosen soil by tilling
  3. Broadcast seeds over the area and rake lightly. This will distribute the seeds into the soil about 1/8th - ¼ inch deep. Water well and frequently once planted and throughout the first growing season. Young seedlings cannot be allowed to dry out.
  4. Apply a light straw mulch to the site to help with moisture retention and decrease weed competition.
  5. Avoid weeding to ensure you aren’t removing wildflower seedlings.
Planting Seeds

Tips & Extra Information

Once your seeds have been gently raked into the top 1/4 inch of soil, you should lightly and frequently mist the soil a couple of times each day to keep moist. Treat the area as if you had planted grass seed.

You can lightly sprinkle some shredded straw covering to prevent the sun from drying the soil out. Or you can use cheesecloth or row cover over the area to keep it moist until the seedlings emerge. Once they have sprouted, water a bit heavier but less frequently to take the roots down deeper.

I would not suggest putting compost over the top or most will smother. I would not suggest thinning either. Just let the germinated seedlings grow for the first year.

Wildflower Garden Maintenance

Prune down or mow larger plantings after the first full growing season the following early spring and leave the trimmings in place along with their seeds that will germinate and further spread the joy!

For smaller patches, you can deadhead your plants to encourage new blooms, but leave the last flowers to develop seeds to collect for later or allow them to self-sow on their own. Birds also appreciate these seeds for late-season food sources!

Once established, these planted areas will need little care, and little additional watering or fertilizers or chemicals. But to keep them blooming with supplemental moisture during the worst episodes of drought or throughout the heat of summer.

Avoid using chemicals and artificial fertilizers that may impact your pollinators and environment.

Boost Your Ecosystem With Native & Prairie Wildflowers!

Get your native groove on with these hand-crafted Seed Mixtures that will work in your area's landscape! Feed pollinators and songbirds and support wildlife in your own backyard with these easy blends of gorgeous flowering natives!

Including native plants that can be found throughout the US and Milkweeds that act as host plants for Monarch butterflies!

Check out which of the Seed Mixtures would do best for your area and order yours at Nature Hills Nursery today.

Happy Planting!

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