Here at Nature Hills, we like to think of Flowering Cherries as the darlings of the garden world. We’re sure that they’re the prized possession of various home landscapes as well.
To keep those beautiful blossoms vibrant and prospering for years to come, it’s important to follow the correct care tips!
How To Plant Flowering Cherry Trees
So you’re wanting to plant a tree? Us too, all the time! Especially breath-taking ornamental specimens as these. Find an area that will receive full sun, flowering cherries enjoy basking in the warm rays from day to day.
They also ask you to pick a place where the soil drains well. A Royal Burgundy Flowering Cherry will pay you back in amounts of pink blossoms! If you can’t find such a location, try moving the native soil from another place to your yard. This will hopefully help build up the area to increase water drainage.
Have further questions on well-drained soil? Read our blog here!
You’ll want to dig a hole that is merely deep enough for the roots of the tree and then make it twice as wide. Trees like to stretch their limbs too! It also allows the surrounding soil to open up directions for the new roots to find sources of water and nutrients.
We suggest adding in some Nature Hills Root Booster so the roots can get a little extra help when it comes to establishing themselves in the fresh soil.
Fill the hole back up with the soil you dug up and completely saturate it immediately with water to eliminate any air pockets that could have formed near the roots. Be sure to check the moisture of the soil daily to see if the tree needs water or if it's fully damp.
Use your hose without any nozzle on it that's running about half rate to best keep the water at the roots. Always add water at the roots keeping the foliage dry to reduce the chances of foliar disease on your perfectly pretty cherry!
As we mentioned, the hole should only be deep enough to accommodate the roots. Rule #1 for tree planting: don’t plant them too deep. The widest part of the trunk flare should be above the soil line while the roots are just beneath.
It’s important to finish planting with the spreading of arborist wood chips only atop the roots while keeping it spaced from the trunk. This mulch should be laid about 3-4 inches thick! We know that an Akebono Flowering Cherry is best friends with mulch upon being planted.
The good news is that these trees are known for being hardy and easy to grow. Just keep in mind that plants always do better when they are stress free, like people!
When Should I Prune My Flowering Cherry?
There is nothing to rush when it comes to pruning flowering cherry trees. However, trimming your trees is necessary for allowing ample light penetration and air circulation. It also allows you to keep a maintained size and shape on your landscape!
For the best return of pink and white blossoms, trim after the blooms have disappeared. This ensures the best chance for new growth and flowering display.
Keep in mind that this time to prune should be on the lighter side. If you want to rid of large limbs, diseased branches, or thin any that are protruding outside the desired shape, wait until your cherry blossom tree has gone dormant for the winter in your growing zone.
Prune your young trees to eliminate any crossing branches, double leaders, or broken branches so you won't need to prune out large branches as they get older!

Types Of Flowering Cherry
Weeping Cherry
You’ll notice that some of these blossom trees like to hang their branches low. Their arms apparently just get tired, we understand! Lucky for landscapers, their ground-spilled limbs create an intricate floral display that makes anyone stop and stare.
Nature Hills likes to place our weeping cherries in the center of a mulched garden bed
Top Weeping Picks:
- Pink Cascade Weeping Cherry
- Weeping Cherry
- White Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry
- Yoshino Weeping Cherry
Japanese Flowering Cherry
As seen in Washington D.C., these floral specimens are known for their extraordinary pink flowers in a grouping stretching from one end of the National Mall to the other. Your yard can look the same way!
Extra bonus: when you visit D.C. with family & friends, you can explain all about the Yoshino cherry trees present and how to grow them!
The upright branches that engulf Japanese Cherries are covered with rosy pinks and pale pinks from head to toe. You won’t find any other flowering trees like them.
Top Japanese Picks:
Once you place a flowering cherry tree in your yard, there is no going back! With the correct care, it will easily become the queen of a landscape.