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8 Plants That Rebloom for 3 Seasons of Flowers

8 Plants That Rebloom for 3 Seasons of Flowers

Charlotte... |

After the first flush of spring flowers, gardeners are often left wanting the centerpiece shrubs and perennials to their yard only provide color for a few weeks. But, there's a solution in rebloomers! Rebloomers are landscape plants that will continue to bloom after their first blooming period. Read on for eight fantastic solutions for reblooming perennials that you should have in your yard if you want three seasons of blooms.


Josee Lilac BloomsAfter the first flush of lavender-pink blooms in the spring, Josee Lilac continues to bloom throughout the summer. If you're lucky, it may end up blooming into the fall in more southern zones. Regardless, these flowers will bring pollinators to your yard in droves. If you have space where a traditional lilac will not fit, the smaller size of this shrub may be ideal for your plantings. In addition to its smaller size and beautiful flowers, this shrub is mildew resistant keeping the leaves looking beautiful all season long. This shrub is perfect for those small areas where you still want the beautiful blooms. 

Notable characteristics:
  • USDA Zone 2-8
  • 4-foot by 6-foot spread
  • Fragrant lavender-pink flowers
  • Full sun
  • Mildew resistant
Other impressive cultivars:


President ClematisRenowned for the beautiful flowers, clematis usually only blooms once. But The President Clematis will bloom in early summer, and then bloom again in the late summer or early fall providing you with double color on a single plant. The vibrant purple blooms are seven-inches wide, and will be sure to please in fall when little else is blooming. Enjoy the climbing nature of this plant by providing it some structure to grow on and it will thrive.

Notable characteristics:
  • USDA Zone 4-9
  • 1-foot to 2-foot spread
  • Climbing habit requires a trellis
  • 7-inch purple flowers
  • Full-sun to part shade
Other impressive cultivars:


Red Prince WeigelaWeigela are a common plant found in many gardens, but the older varieties require deadheading and pruning to encourage them to rebloom. Red Prince Weigela does not. After its first set of blooms, this shrub will put out a second show of flowers in the late summer. Brilliant red trumpet-shaped flowers cover the shrub, making a statement when it is in bloom. This shrub requires no other care to encourage flowering, so it's the perfect low-maintenance shrub for your landscape. 

Notable characteristics:
  • USDA Zone 4-8
  • 4 to 6-foot height and spread
  • Scarlet flowers
  • Full sun
  • Container friendly
Other impressive cultivars:
  • Sonic Bloom Weigela - Cultivars available in white, pink and red. Reblooms continue until frost
  • Fine Wine Weigela - Burgundy foliage and pink trumpet flowers
  • Ghost Weigela  Bright green foliage, pink flowers, deer resistant


Autumn Ruby EncoreAzaleas are most well-known for their spring flowers and their shrubby nature. But the Autumn Ruby Encore® Azalea Tree is a tree-form azalea, elevating it above many other shrubs in the landscape. With ruby-red flowers in the spring, the Autumn Ruby Encore® Azalea Tree reblooms through the spring up until fall – making it a fantastic reblooming shrub. With the dramatic contrast of the dark-green leaves, the flowers will stand out and make a brilliant statement. 

Notable characteristics:
  • USDA Zone 6-9
  • 4 to 7-feet high, 3-4 feet wide
  • Ruby red flowers
  • Full sun
  • Container friendly
Other impressive cultivars:


Twist-n-Shout HydrangeaEndless Summer® Twist-n-Shout Hydrangea doesn't only bloom once, it blooms continuously throughout the summer months. This makes it a fantastic reblooming shrub. With unique lace-cap flowers, this shrub provides colorful beauty all season long. Depending upon what pH your soil is, the flowers will either be pink (acidic) or blue (basic), and can be amended to encourage deeper colors. The large, beautiful blooms rest against large textured green leaves.

Notable characteristics:
  • USDA Zone 4-9
  • 3 to 5-foot height and width
  • Pink or blue lacecap flowers
  • Red fall color
  • Partial shade
Other impressive cultivars:


Happy Candy Oh! RoseRoses are often known for having multiple blooms throughout the season but Oso Easy® Happy Candy Oh! Rose outperforms all others. The bright red blooms with yellow centers begin in the spring, and continue throughout the seasons until frost in the fall. The best part is that no deadheading is required to encourage further flowering, making it an easy plant to care for. Cold tolerant and disease resistant, Oso Easy® Happy Candy Oh! Rose is the perfect reblooming rose for your landscape. 

Notable characteristics:
  • USDA Zone 4-9
  • 3-4 feet tall, 4-5 feet wide
  • Red flowers with yellow centers
  • Full sun
  • Disease Resistant
Other impressive cultivars:


Harvest of Memories IrisBright, cheerful yellow flowers of Harvest of Memories Iris last through multiple seasons, making it a perfect reblooming perennial for any garden. Great as a cut flower or in your landscape, Harvest of Memories Iris provides a unique appearance to any garden. Don't be misled by the simple blooms, this plant puts out at least two, if not three sets of flowers. Blooming in the spring, the summer and perhaps in the fall, this reblooming perennial is a beauty you can enjoy all season long.

Notable characteristics:
  • USDA zones 3-9
  • 30 to 38 inches tall
  • 18 to 24 inches wide
  • Full sun to partial shade
  • Works well as a cut flower
Other impressive cultivars:


Purple D'Oro DaylilyPurple D'Oro Daylily exceeds expectations as a reblooming perennial, the bright purple flowers continue to bloom from early summer into early fall. A hearty plant, Purple D'Oro daylily will withstand many harsh conditions other plants won't grow. It is also easy to manage, as it is resistant to many diseases and pests. Purple D'Oro Daylily is a plant that will withstand just about any condition you choose to throw at it, and will provide you with beautiful blooms day after day. 

Notable characteristics:
  • USDA Zones 2-9
  • 16 inches tall
  • 24-36 inches wide
  • Full sun to partial sun
  • Bright purple flowers with yellow throats
Other impressive cultivars:


Reblooming plants can be a challenge to find for your landscape, as many plants generally only flower for a few weeks. But these plants will stun and delight you all season long, by bringing colorful flowers back time and time again. Try a few in your yard for a continuous display, even when other plants are finished blooming.

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