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Buckeye Trees

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  • Yellow Buckeye
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    Yellow Buckeye Tree

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  • Ohio Buckeye Tree Ohio Buckeye Tree
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    Ohio Buckeye Tree

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  • Bottlebrush Buckeye with Flowers Bottlebrush Buckeye Full Plant
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    Bottlebrush Buckeye

  • Autumn Splendor Buckeye
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    Autumn Splendor Buckeye

  • Red Buckeye Red Buckeye
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    Red Buckeye Tree

    From $310

Where to Buy a Buckeye Tree? Nature Hills Nursery

You'll fall in love with the Buckeye trees from Nature Hills Nursery. With foot-long flowers and splendor in all four seasons, buckeye trees catch the eye and capture the heart. Showy spring flower spires are held above the leaves in an exceptional display.

Buckeye tree in fall

Buckeye trees produce elaborate flowers which appear on branched clusters in the spring. Foot-long spiked flower clusters are composed of small pink and white flowers or red flowers.

This medium-sized tree is one of the first trees to leaf in the spring. Thick, textured compound leaves are dark green and set the blooms off to perfection.

The palm-shaped foliage grows to cast deep shade in summer. Each compound leaf is composed of five to seven leaflets, each thickly corrugated for a bold look.

Buckeye trees drop their green leaves early in the fall, for a convenient cleanup. Some, like Ohio Buckeye trees, offer pretty orange fall color.

This upright, rounded cultivar was introduced by Ohio State University. The nut-like seeds are incredibly glossy.

Some crafters collect the shiny nuts to create homemade wreaths and indoor decor. They have a sophisticated, organic look that appeals to modern sensibilities.

How Did the Buckeye Tree Get its Name?

Native Buckeye trees are named after the leathery capsules covering three seeds. The tree fruit looks similar to the eye of a buck, or male deer.

buckeye tree leaves

Many ask, “Are buckeye nuts edible?” The answer is a resounding no. Although used for medicinal purposes by Native Americans and settlers, Buckeye nuts are not edible. They do support a healthy population of squirrels, however.

Teach kids not to eat the nut-like Buckeye seeds — although it’s OK to put one in your pocket for luck. That is, as long as you can find a glossy brown seed before the squirrels do.

Types of Buckeye Trees: Ohio Buckeye, Yellow Buckeye and More

Buckeye trees in the United States belong to the Horse Chestnut family. It includes Buckeye species like the Dwarf Red Buckeye plant, Ohio Buckeye tree, the Yellow Buckeye and the Autumn Splendor Buckeye.

These are handsome deciduous trees native to the Central and Great Plains regions of the United States. They are a member of similar nut-producing trees, such as Beech, Chinese PistacheOakPecan and Sweet Gum.

Plant any type of buckeye tree with Chickasaw PlumLinden Basswood and Nuttall Oak on a wilderness property to attract game. Or underplant them with the fall colors of Aronia Chokeberry, Fothergilla and Sweetspire shrubs.

Best Practices for Keeping Buckeye Trees

Create a mulched bed to showcase native Buckeye trees. Why spend a minute worrying about buckeye nut, bloom or buckeye leaf litter?

Some trees are too pretty not to use in your yard. Please site it using the Plant Highlights found on every product page.

buckeye trees in the summer

Give Buckeye trees space to reach their full, glorious mature height and spread. These attractive, urban-tolerant trees are used as street trees and in city planning for parks.

Buckeyes make very special landscape trees in winter, too. This is when their dark, thick stems are on full display.

Go ahead and fulfill your passion for flowering plants. Plant a Buckeye or use several in an informal grove.

You'll appreciate how Buckeye trees decorate your outdoor living space. Plant Aesculus species on the southwest side of your patio.

You can study the amazing blooms from your outdoor seating. Bless them, as they cast luxurious shade on your family and friends.

Planting and Care Tips for Buckeye Trees

People across the country remember Buckeye trees fondly from their childhood. Order today, and we'll ship your order when the time is right for planting.

Track your package right to your doorstep. Open the sturdy boxes and give your new tree a long drink of water.

Dig your hole twice as wide as the root system, but no deeper. Keep your new tree at the same level it was growing at the nursery.

Keep your new tree hydrated on a consistent basis. 

Read the Garden Blog to find out How to Water the Right Way >>

Mulch underneath your Buckeye to a depth of three inches. Pull it back, away from touching the trunk.

Being very adaptable to its environment, buckeye trees thrive in conditions not suitable for other trees, and is hard to kill once it is established. Most Buckeye trees prefer full sun to partial shade with deep soil that stays moderately moist.

It's a good idea to underplant shrubs and perennials at the same time you install your small trees. That way, they'll all grow up together. We are so proud to offer these gorgeous native trees for sale.

We try to offer a variety of different types of Buckeye trees for sale, but tend to sell out quickly. Don't wait to order if you see your preferred Buckeye tree varieties in stock. You don’t want to miss out. Place your Buckeye tree order at NatureHills.com today.

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