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Ivy is a genus of Hedera and there are about 12 to 15 species of this climbing and ground creeping plant. Spreading ivy plants belongs to the ginseng family and are evergreen climbing vines. There are numerous varieties of ivy, and leaves range in size from tiny to huge, up to 6-8 inches. When planting ivy, find a location that has partial to full shade in well-drained soil enriched with peat moss or compost. Full sun can be deadly and burn the leaves.
If the purpose of planting ivy plants is to cover a wall, plant them as close as possible to the base. As the plants begin to grow, they should be pruned to 6". Do not fertilize for the first 3-4 months, but once they are established, use a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen every other month during the growing season. If you want to promote fuller growth, prune 2-3 times a year. Ivy will quickly form a lovely evergreen mass as the tendrils attach themselves to trees, walls or rocks. Being a very common and popular ground cover, Ivy is an excellent plant that prevents or stops soil erosion. These plants make a network of roots and binds the soil on slopes and hills.