Happy, healthy, plants grown by experts and shipped right to your doorstep.

#ProPlantTips Blog

  • Late Summer Lawn Grass

    Late Summer Lawn Grass

    Typically, bluegrass lawns will enjoy the cooler temperatures and more plentiful rainfall at this time of the year.  NOW is the best time to eliminate dandelions and other broadleaved weeds...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • The Cottonless Cottonwood

    The Cottonless Cottonwood

    What are all those fussy things floating around in the air?  They are plugging up the screens in our house.  They are plugging up your air filters.  The Dandelion plants...

    Whitney... |

  • Pick your color…

    Pick your color…

    Annuals are a terrific way to put some color in your landscape.  You don’t have to go crazy overboard to really punch up the front of your home.  Pick plants...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • Pruning, Planting, and Fertilizing

    Pruning, Planting, and Fertilizing

    When it comes to your perennials and annuals, keep on dead heading to encourage fresh flowers to continue.  Annuals love additional liquid fertilizer keeping them blooming right up until frost. ...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • Put Away Your Lawn Rake

    Put Away Your Lawn Rake

    Here comes our new fall season and with it may come a lot of leaves.  There is no reason to bag or rake all of those leaves.  Just use your...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • Fall Planting … Do It Now, Do It Right!

    Fall Planting … Do It Now, Do It Right!

    Finally, … a bit of relief from the sweltering summer days perhaps.  We are ready to usher in the new fall season, how about you?  Cooler nights are welcome and...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • Fresh Greens, Radishes, Cilantro, and Garlic

    Fresh Greens, Radishes, Cilantro, and Garlic

    Cool fresh weather, and additional moisture is more common at this time of the year makes it a great time for one more crop.  It is also a great time...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • Pine Needles Make Great Mulch

    Pine Needles Make Great Mulch

    Every year about this time we start getting phone calls from people who are concerned about their pine trees losing needles.  Pine trees are evergreens which means they do hold...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • Keep on Shredding Leaves

    Keep on Shredding Leaves

    The leaves continue to fall onto your lawn.  Don’t get out your rake…but get out your lawn mower! As you see those leaves fall, one of the best things you...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • Powdery Mildew on your Peony Plants?

    Powdery Mildew on your Peony Plants?

    We have been seeing powdery mildew on the leaves of Peony plants in some areas.  Weather conditions vary greatly in areas across the country and that will change the severity...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • Rhododendron Pruning

    Once your Rhododendron is done blooming that is the only time of the year it can be pruned without sacrificing flowers for the next spring.  Once the flowers are done,...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

  • It May Be Time to Sharpen Your Mower Blades

    It May Be Time to Sharpen Your Mower Blades

    When you get done mowing your lawn, get down on your knees and take a quick peek at the blades of grass up close.  What do you see? Are you...

    Nature Hills Nursery |

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When ordering a tree or plant, make sure to know your planting zone.

You can determine your garden’s USDA hardiness zone by entering your Zip Code below.
