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#ProPlantTips Blog

  • How to Plant Cherry Trees for the Best Harvest!

    How to Plant Cherry Trees for the Best Harvest!

    Sweet delicious early summer treats, Cherry trees are wonderfully versatile, ornamental, double-duty landscaping trees that make food sustainability and healthy snacking easy! Easy to grow flowering and fruiting garden gems,...

    Charlotte... |

  • Pruning Blueberry Bushes - How and When To

    Pruning Blueberry Bushes - How and When To

    Blueberry bushes (Vaccinium) are enjoying a little renaissance in home gardening! You can readily find them in garden centers and edible landscapers love their 3 season ornamental beauty and of...

    Charlotte... |

  • Best Natural, Informal Flowering Hedges!

    Best Natural, Informal Flowering Hedges!

    Not everything has to be straight rows. Nor does your landscape need to be filled with severely pruned and sheared straight lines. Sure, there is a place for formal, sheared...

    Charlotte... |

  • Best Oak Tree Varieties for Backyard Shade!

    Best Oak Tree Varieties for Backyard Shade!

    Long-lived, mighty, wildlife-friendly, iconic, and lasting legacies - the incredible Oak tree is the cornerstone of the tree world! Found growing around the world, these large fortresses cast incredible shade...

    Charlotte... |

  • Best Mock Oranges to Plant and How to Care for Them!

    Best Mock Oranges to Plant and How to Care for Them!

    Ultra fragrant, gleaming white blooms, Mock Orange Bushes are gorgeous flowering ornamentals! Count on these reliable, rounded plants to add spectacular features you'll appreciate for many years. Known as the...

    Charlotte... |

  • How to Keep Your Hostas Healthy and Happy!

    How to Keep Your Hostas Healthy and Happy!

    If you are like us, you like collecting some of the dizzying arrays of different perennial Hosta plants for your yard. The diversity of size and color is endless and...

    Charlotte... |

  • Understanding Grafted Plants and Rootstocks

    Understanding Grafted Plants and Rootstocks

    Many types of today's fruiting and flowering trees and shrubs have been grafted. As are many Shade and Ornamental trees, Evergreens, some Grapes, and some Roses are grafted onto rootstock....

    Charlotte... |

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When ordering a tree or plant, make sure to know your planting zone.

You can determine your garden’s USDA hardiness zone by entering your Zip Code below.
