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Variegated Plants You Need In Your Garden!

Variegated Plants You Need In Your Garden!

Nature Hills Nursery |

Being surrounded by lush greenery is the goal when transforming your yard and garden into your personal oasis helps shield you from the stress and worries of the world!

But what do you do when you get sick of green?

Easy! … You use variegated plants!

Variegated plants can have different colored areas in their leaves, and sometimes the stems, and branches! Even the seeds and fruit can be variegated too! The variation in leaf color happens when there is a lack of green chlorophyll pigment in some of the plant cells, usually the result of a cell mutation, and this can be inherited or occur randomly.

Because of the partial or total absence of color, these leaves may have differently colored dots, blotches, speckles, stripes, or edges, and even randomized versions of all of the above!

All About Variegated Plants

A happy accident, variegation is a mutation affecting a plant's distribution of chlorophyll in their leaves. Sometimes because of a cellular quirk, sometimes by a virus, and sometimes by evolution, this variegation has become a highly sought-after perk that can bring a unique layer of beauty to your landscape's variety!

Many leaves have white or non-green veins, causing the leaf to appear variegated. The variation of leaves can also be caused by the reflection of light from the leaf surface which adds color and light to your landscape!

Variegation isn’t just white and green either! Every color under the rainbow can be displayed, especially in new growth. Creating new variegated cultivars is a race among plant hybridizers to create the next color combo and variegated pattern!

Just like in the autumn when chlorophyll dies in the leaf in the cooler weather, leaves display other colors besides green at this time now they are not being overshadowed by green chlorophyll. Reds, pinks, purples, yellows, and oranges appear in the autumn, and these colors also get a chance to shine when variegation removes the green from those parts of the leaves too!

Highly valued by gardeners and plant collectors, and garden clubs and plant societies! Making some rare cultivars selling at auction for tens of thousands of dollars! One such Variegated plant, a Variegated Monstera called Adansonii Variegata, sold for $38,000!

Top Variegated Plants To Add Color To Your Landscape!

Many plants with variegation hold the botanical name ‘Variegata’, a Latin word meaning ‘variation’. Bring an extra layer of color to your garden with these fantastically showy ornamentals that don’t need to rely on flowers to make a grand, longer-lasting display!

Top 5 Showiest Variegated Trees

The only thing showier than a variegated plant is an entire variegated tree! Soaring high with brilliant color that attracts attention from near and far! You’ll see traffic slowing down as it passes your home with one of these incredible Variegated Trees!

Gorgeous heart-shaped foliage with pink new growth that ages white and green, plus the Redbud family’s pinkish early spring blooms!

White foliage with green streaked and speckled centers, the Shiloh Splash tree adds variegation to the already beautiful qualities of a Birch Tree! Pretty golden-yellow fall color and features exfoliating bark in shades of cinnamon, salmon-pink, tan, and creamy white!

  • Firebird™ Variegated Flowering Dogwood Tree

A brilliant Dogwood tree with red, pink, white, and green slashed new growth that remains showy throughout the growing season and showcases red and white blossoms in the spring!

The brilliant pink blooms are accented by this tropical plant's white and green irregularly striped leaves! Available in tree and shrub forms, your garden will light up with this bright color combo!

Speckled green and cream leaves, the Eskimo Sunset Maple has more white than green on its leaves and red leaf stems. In spring, the leaves emerge as a vivid pinky orange, then slowly turn a variegated mix of ivory and green. The foliage slowly turns purple in the fall!

Variegated Shrubs

Adding bright spots of color throughout the landscape without taking up any space. But their dramatic foliage more than makes up for these Variegated Bushes' size! Many Wintercreepers have loads of color variation from mixed light and dark greens, golds, and cream, like the Proven Winners® Gold Splash® Wintercreeper Euonymus.

A cool green shrub with a bright white margin, these spreading shrubs also have bright yellow fragrant blooms and the added pop of red stems!

Shining green and white foliage, brilliant red stems, and flat-topped white flowers and resulting white clusters of berries for the birds, the Ivory Halo® is a fantastic variegated option!

White-edged green leaves, the smaller My Monet® series features bright trumpet-shaped flowers that butterflies and hummingbirds adore. From My Monet® Sunset with gold and green foliage and red fall color, to the My Monet Purple Effect® with purplish blooms, and the pink original My Monet® with pink blossoms all bring loads of color to your garden without sacrificing space.

Red and bronze new growth and showy randomized icy white and green foliage, this Heavenly Bamboo is a broadleaf evergreen shrub with fine-textured leaves that intensify in the winter with a showy pink glow in the spring.

  • Proven Winners® Sugar Tip® Rose of Sharon

Cool green leaves splashed in creamy white, the double candy-pink pompom-like flowers of the Sugar Tip® present a soothing shrub or small tree form with some training and pruning!

Ornamental Variegated Perennials

Hosta Plants seem to be the most widely varied perennial which continuously have new color combinations and patterns developed every year! Naturally creating sports and easily hybridized by vegetative cloning, Hosta has a dizzying array of options to choose from!

Check out these other unique perennial plants that display wondrous variegation!

The tall flouncy light and dark green centers with bright yellow margins fade to a mellow creamy yellow for a beautiful variegated show! Topped with lavender dollops of fragrant flowers that pollinators and hummingbirds love!

Highly adaptable in moist to dry soil, sun to shade, Liriope (also known as Lilyturf) is an easy-care hardy perennial with purple flower spikes and showy striped green and white grass-like foliage.

Low-growing spreading, trailing, vining perennials, Periwinkle Vinca adds a creamy white accent to the green vines and purple pinwheel blooms!

A showy and elegant groundcover perennial that will fill your sunny garden beds in delightful airy blooms and ornamental foliage, Little Angel has deep green leaves with creamy white margins over a dwarf perennial with ruby red flowers.

A lacy and gleaming perennial groundcover the pretty white flowers of the fast-growing Lamium are accented by silver and green variegated leaves that shine in the shade!

Variegated Ornamental Grasses

While most plants have variegation that streaks down the length of the blade or splashes across the leaf, Porcupine Miscanthus Grass instead has bold creamy horizontal bands at intervals along each blade! Also called Zebra Grass, these are showier when the silvery white plumes arrive in the fall.

Chameleon's narrow leaves emerge striped green and cream, and form elegant, upright fountains that are compact and space-saving clumps! As summer progresses, the graceful tips become light purple and pinkish for a triple treat on this graceful Ornamental Grass.

Bright green leaves accented by orangy-yellow edges and love higher moisture sites and shady locations, bringing a glint of shine and pop of color to your landscape beds and Rain gardens! Or try Ice Dance Sedge Grass for icy white and green foliage instead!

Large coppery-pink flowers in the fall show off over arching strappy leaves with creamy white-edged soft-green leaves and golden yellow fall color!

Prized for its white-striped foliage blushed with pink, June brings panicles of soft white flowers that brighten your garden throughout a wide range of growing zones!

Unique Variegated Fruit Plants

Pretty variegated foliage and fruit? How about variegated fruit? These double-duty plants are worthy of edible ornamental landscaping in your front yard or keep them hidden all for yourself in the privacy of your backyard!

The Arctic Beauty Kiwi Vine is grown for its heart-shaped foliage, which opens purple and matures to bright green marked with splashes of white and pink. The fragrant blooms on female Arctic Beauty Kiwi Vines become small yet flavorful fruit!

With green and yellow striped leaves, green and yellow striped fruit and stems, plus pink and white fragrant flowers, the Variegated Pink Lemon even has pink-tinted juicy flesh!

Bold green and creamy white striped leaves and young fruit, plus fragrant white flowers, these miniature orange family trees have a strong flavor! The leaves and fruit are favorites in Thai cuisine.

Caring For Variegated Plants

Variegated plants need to be cared for a bit differently than regular plants because the lack of chlorophyll can mean they burn more easily in the sun. Just like some of us gardeners that are lacking our own version of chlorophyll and burn, unfortunately, there is no sunscreen for plants.

To grow a healthy variegated plant you have to make sure not to plant some directly into the sun the whole day. Location is very important, so provide shade at the hottest time of day. While others need more sun to better bring out their variegated beauty! Knowing as much as you can about your plant before planting it where it may not show off its best coloration.

Some plants display better variegation in certain soil pH, so again, know your plant’s particulars to ensure they will have the best display.

Since variegated plants do not produce as much chlorophyll, this prevents them from converting sunlight into sugar, and thus, Variegated plants can grow at a slower rate.

Morning sun is preferred for many plants - especially when plants are grown in hotter growing zones, especially when plants are grown in hotter growing zones.

Also due to the lack of chlorophyll, variegated plants will need attention to their fertility needs.

Otherwise, watering, soil type, drainage, and pruning needs for these plants are the same as their non-variegated cousins!

Bring On The Color Show!

Brighten your garden and bring variety to your landscape with head-turning versions of your favorite landscaping plants!

Variegated plants are show-stoppers that are highly sought-after by all plant enthusiasts, so check out these and more favorite two-tone and three-tone trees, shrubs, and plants available at NatureHills.com!

Happy Planting!

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