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Using Herbs for Decoration!

Using Herbs for Decoration!

Charlotte... |

Want your Herb plants to do more for you than taste good? Hold onto your socks because the world of Herbs is blurring the lines between useful edible medicinals and ornamental plants! Now you can enjoy them for more than just tasty garnish and seasoning around the garden and landscape!

Flavorful and Scented Landscaping!

flavorful herb

Don’t hide your herbs in the vegetable garden or use them as strictly Kitchen Garden herbs! Today’s newest Herbs are dressed up and ready for their close-up in your front yard and flower gardens!

No longer needing to be utilitarian plants, these beauties will kick up the edible landscaping scene with their pollinator-friendly and cut flower-worthy blooms, enhanced sizes, and forms, and heightened aromatics to improve your garden experience! Stimulate the senses and inject some aromatic greenery anywhere into your world with Herbs!

Decorating With Herbs in the Landscape

Edible landscaping means turning garden beds and landscaping borders into multi-purpose planting sites that not just look great, but also feed and perfume your world! Herbs are fantastic for bringing in butterflies and beneficial pollinators, filling in the gaps between plants, and their aromatic foliage even drives away pests!

Great Edging & Filler

Herbs as edging

Got some xeric spots that need to be filled? Maybe a garden bed that needs a lacy and eye-catching facer plant to hide the bare stems of larger plants and shrubs? Herbs are a fantastic way to add fresh bright greenery to your garden and ease the transition between lawn and garden. Try the lacy charm of Late & Spicy Cilantro as a filler and flowering plant!

  • Create frilly drifts of fine-textured Dill or accent small spaces with Chamomile.
  • Try a row of Sage instead of flowering Salvia
  • Use Highland Cream Thyme and Creeping English Thyme along garden edges.
  • Fill Rock Gardens with Rosemary or Lavender plants, and Oregano.
  • The spiky interest of Lemon Grass fills your garden and helps keep mosquitoes away!
  • Marjoram, Catnip, Catmint, and Lovage look gorgeous in groupings
  • Tall Herbs like Rue, Borage, Fennel, and Comfrey dress up the back of the border

Scented & Flowering Accents

Basil's big leaves and Parsley’s frilly foliage are wonderful skirting and fringe to use throughout the flower and shrub garden! Use Mints and Thyme as edging along pathways and sidewalks to perfume your garden strolls! Bee Balm, Lemon Balm, and Cat Mints are fantastic edible and medicinal landscaping plants that have drifts of unusual flowers.

A Hi Ho Silver Thyme or Chocolate Mint form dense clumps of perfumed greenery and blooms, plus they look fantastic in a garden of the senses and as edging along the edges at the front of the border. Creeping Thyme are traditional plants in cracks and crevices, happily rambling between the stones of your pathways and in rockery gardens and retaining walls!

Double-Duty Beyond the Herb Garden


Mints, Pineapple Sage, and Chives are wonderful for bringing in the butterflies and bees! Want more pollinators and beneficial insects? Then you need to include Herbs everywhere! Ladybugs, dragonflies, and more are highly attracted to these plants! But oddly enough, pests seem discouraged by the volatile oils in their leaves. Borage looks pretty in a salad or your drink and attracts a wide variety of beneficial bugs!

Many Dill plants like Late & Blue, or Parsley plants are host plants for the caterpillars of Swallow Tail butterflies and other butterfly larvae! Plant a few extra to feed them for flying flowers each year!

Anise Hyssops, Pineapple Sage, and Chive flowers even attract hummingbirds!

  • Fill Rock gardens with Tansy and Tarragon, or try a Tri-Color Sage
  • Sensory garden plants are fragrant and flavorful from top to bottom like Mint and Sage! 
  • Many Herbs are great Companion Plants

Go big with a Bay Laurel tree or Kaffir Lime tree on your poolside patio for shade and double-duty culinary foliage!

Decorating With Herbs on the Porch and Patio

You don’t even need a yard to enjoy these space-saving aromatic beauties! Any sunny porch, balcony, terrace, seating area planter, or window box can house plenty of Herbs!

Container & Planter Fillers, Spillers & Thrillers!

dill plant

Create a barbecue side planter with Rosemary and Dill within arms reach for the grill, or a planter of Mint by your poolside bar for fresh Suntea, Mojito, or other refreshing drink additions and garnish! A planter of Parsley and Basil in the middle of a bistro set means edible garnish and fresh salads pick-me-ups that also act as table bouquets and décor!

Why buy an annual flowering plant as fillers or spillers in mixed planters on your front or back porch, when a Basil or Parsley will look just as pretty? Let Creeping Thymes spill over windowbox edges, or add spiky height and drama with the unique blooms and foliage of a Pink Flowering Chive.

Include some pesticide-free edible flowers too! All Herb flowers are edible, and so are many other varieties of flowers that are more than just pretty faces!

Balcony, Porch & Patio Gardens

herbs by the door

Hot front porches and balconies in the sun look better with a Mediterranean Tuscan Blue Rosemary or one of the many varieties of Lavender perfuming your reading nooks and gracing your pots either as formal or informal decorations! These space-saving plants are natural for growing in tight spots! Use a Cascading Rosemary as a spiller, or a Tall Dark & Traditional Oregano as an upright filler.

Many trailing and creeping Herbs even do great in hanging baskets!

Decorating With Herbs Indoors

Throughout the growing season, many Herbs offer up a wide variety of ways for you to decorate indoors too! In addition to flavoring your food and preserves, drying them as a seasoning, or using them as a garnish, Herbs have a ton of uses indoors!

Cut Flowers

lavender in hands

Dill, Lavender, and Chive blooms look fantastic in the cut flower garden, and many in the Mint family like Spearmints, Sages, and Catmints do too! Try using the fine-textured foliage of a Burgundy & Late Fennel, Purple-Leaf Basil, or Curly Leaf Parsley in your bouquets as greenery! You’ll create gorgeous and aromatic bouquets and flower arrangements with an unexpectedly chic and country flair by including Herbs among the other more expected blooms!

The perfect centerpiece for a relaxed dinner or outdoor dining set, both living and cut Herb stems set the stage for a bohemian dining experience!


These plants even do fantastic in a sunny, indirect windowsill or sunroom, so as soon as the season is winding down, many of these plants can be brought in as houseplants for the winter, or kept year-round as windowsill gardens!

Dried Décor!

Dried Herbs

Instead of bringing in the last Herbs as houseplants for the winter, harvesting the entire plant before a frost and drying them is a great way to preserve your harvest and extend the enjoyment of the garden all winter!

Gather bundles of the plant and tie them into little bouquets. Hang them upside down as kitchen decorations that can be used as a seasoning, or use the dried flowers and stems in botanical bouquets and wreaths.

Great Gifts!

Herbs are easy-to-grow gift plants that anyone will enjoy receiving! 

Easy To Grow Herbs!

The best location to grow Herbs outdoors is anywhere in the garden that has at least 6 hours of sunlight and enriched well-drained soil and consistent moisture to support their vigorous growth. Indoor grown Herbs need all day, bright but indirect sunlight and very close attention to moisture levels.

  • Full Sun
  • Well-drained soil - Never soggy
  • Enriched, highly organic medium & regular fertility
  • Regular moisture needs
  • Pinch back or snip plants for Branching & Keeping them bushy
  • Cut back most Herbaceous annual and perennial Herbs in autumn (or bring them indoors before frost)

Scented, Flavorful & Double-Duty Herbs!

It’s time to think outside the vegetable garden and use Herbs everywhere! These flavorful, aromatic, and beautiful plants deserve to be in your home’s spotlight! Check out all the amazing flowering Herbs, convenient 3-Pack Herbs, and unique varieties available today at NatureHills.com!

Happy Planting!

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