“All gardeners live in beautiful places because they make them so.” - Joseph Jourbert
Want to enjoy your garden indoors as well as outdoors? Then you need a Cutting Garden! Armloads of blooms for you regardless of experience and room can be yours with ease when you plant space-saving perennials and more compact, double-duty, modern plants!
Let Your Creativity Shine

Summer is full of gorgeous blooming plants and shrubs that readily hold up in your home's vases and bouquets, bring fragrance into your rooms and cheer up any recipient of these homegrown blooms!
Perennials take up very little space in the garden and any sunny border, corner of the yard or that narrow strip along a driveway can become a cutting garden! Larger areas can include shrubs and roses that have more variety and color!
Gardeners of any experience level can enjoy a cutting garden and landscapes that are tight on space are able to plant double-duty blooms for both your home's curb appeal and your indoor vases! Many plants even look great all growing season in the garden, and then can be harvested and dried for your fall décor and botanical arrangements too!
Cut flower care is easy! With daily changes of water, a clean container or vase, and some creativity - any perennial, wildflower, herb flower, shrub or tree can be tucked into a bouquet as a flower or greenery (or both!) for your enjoyment! Be sure to remove any foliage below the water line and trim the stem ends at an angle daily so they can have a clean cut to better take up water through the xylem.
Top 5 Cutting Garden Plants for your Summer Cutting Garden
Some plants last much longer than others in a vase, so here are some of Nature Hills Top 5 picks for what you can plant in a cutting garden regardless of how much sun you have available!
Full Sun Summer Cutting Garden
Which cut flowers do best in the heat and sun? Full sun means at least 6 plus hours of direct light a day, and it takes a special kind of plant to tolerate being in the spotlight all day in the heat!
- Veronica Such as Eveline Veronica
- Yarrow - Try a gorgeous New Vintage™ Violet Yarrow
- Poppy - Harlem Oriental Poppy
- Coneflower - See the Secret Passion Coneflower
- Guem - Like the ruffled TEMPO™ Rose Geum

Part Shade Summer Cutting Garden
That tricky area between sun and shade, dappled all day or just sun in the morning or afternoon, partial sun and part shade areas walk the line and have a wide range of blooms available to you!
- Campanula Bellflower - Like the Takion White Peachleaf
- Daisy - Like lemony Banana Cream Shasta Daisy
- Babies Breath - The airy Festival Star
- Anemone - Try Elizabeth Bush Anemone
- Columbine - Like Sunshine Columbine

Full Shade Summer Cutting Garden
Shade gardens are always a challenge, but these plants are up for it! Just because there’s less sun, doesn’t mean these hardy blooming perennials won’t create their own light, indoors or out! Most Hostas are grown for their foliage, so the flowers make great cut blooms, and the foliage is wonderful texture to include as greenery! Plus it's a great way to keep the foliage plants clean and fresh-looking.
- Astilbe - Like Rheinland or Delft Lace
- Bergenia - Like the flirty Pig Squeak
- Coral Bells - Fun And Games® Eye Spy Foamy Bells or Heuchera Wild Rose
- Brunnera - Try the flowers and foliage of Alexander's Great Brunnera
- Barrenwort - Like Lilafee Barrenwort

Finishing Touches
Add a sun-loving Rose bush for fragrance, and for height add a flowering vine such as Clematis. Or for shade gardens, tuck in a couple of Hosta and Fern for greenery! In addition to creating bountiful blooms for you to bring indoors, you’re creating habitat and nectar resources for beneficial local insects and pollinators!

Be sure to include flowering Herbs like Chive flowers, Sage, Rosemary and Lavender! Even the fragrant, pungent, and aromatic foliage can be used as greenery! Don’t discredit how lovely some curly Parsley leaves or fragrant Basil can add an incredible dimension to your bouquets!
Especially if they’re growing too large for your garden pots or herb garden beds, go ahead and decorate with the extra bounty! You’ll enjoy double duty from your herbs in your recipes as well as on your dining table vase!
Don't forget Broadleaved Evergreens such as Boxwood or Holly in your summer bouquets. And Ornamental grasses add height and wispy fine texture with their plumes!
Berries are hot in bouquets too! Try Hypericum, Viburnum, Snowberries, and even Aronia or Crabapples to add interest and bursts of color.

What Cut Flowers Are Cut and Come Again?
Deadheading many perennials usually encourages a second flush of flowers. Salvia, Yarrow, Guara, Black-Eyed Susan, Coreopsis, Scabiosa, Coneflowers, Heuchera (Coral Bells), and many reblooming shrubs like Lilacs and Hydrangea!
This means you can snip for your bouquets in late spring or summer, then expect a second flush later on in the summer or fall!
Happy Planting!

Enjoy your garden all growing season long and beyond by bringing your blooms indoors as fresh and dried décor! Floral decorations add that special touch to a room, and elevate your mood while perfuming and brightening your home! Friends and family will be beaming when you bring them armloads of flowers on special occasions and you’ll save money by creating your own bouquets instead of paying big bucks at a florist.
For the cost of a big bunch of roses at a florist, you’ll enjoy year after year of flowers from your own Cutting Garden! Order your blooms for your home, indoors or out, from NatureHills.com and we’ll help you get double-duty from your landscape!