Need a climbing evergreen? How about a groundcover with year-round greenery? Maybe a low-growing broadleaf evergreen shrub? Well! Does Nature Hills Nursery have the bush for you!
That’s right! One shrub does all of the above!
The Climbing Euonymus and Bush Euonymus for sale at Nature Hills Nursery enhances your landscape with steady deep greenery and even variegated foliage that won’t fade all year long! And it’s a versatile shrub that can cover all your landscaping needs when you desire structure, coverage, and year round color!
The Euonymus - Morphing Into Your Landscapes Individual Needs!

Also known as Wintercreeper, whether you need large-scale greenery, low-maintenance coverage, or a weed-blocking creeping groundcover - or all of the above - you’ll find many different types of Groundcover and Shrub Euonymus right here at Nature Hills!
Anyone who knows Euonymus knows they are stylish and oh-so-versatile! But don't forget that Euonymus are also tough, urban environment-friendly, and pollution-tolerant! Euonymus are attractive landscape workhorses that put up with drought, thin soil, road salt, heat, humidity, sun, and even neglect!
Relatively fast-growing plants, these broadleaf evergreens work in any kind of landscape design! The smaller, oval leaves are high-glossy and shine in the sunlight but won’t fade despite the heat, full sun, and humidity!
Flowering in spring with inconspicuous white to green blossoms, your local pollinators will be thankful and birds love the seed capsules that appear in the autumn too! Like their Winged Euonymus cousins, many Wintercreepers display showy fall colors that can last through the winter for vibrant color all year round!
Euonymus Gives You Options!
With a bit of training and pruning, Euonymus can be tall to low-growing shrubs. They have grippers along their stems that help them climb when allowed. But when given nothing to climb or grow onto, Euonymus act like Groundcover or Vines are fantastic for covering the bare ground!

Check out these vibrant varieties of Euonymus here at!
- Moonshadow Euonymus - Glowing yellow foliage with dark green margins
- Gold Splash® Euonymus - High impact light green and gold
- Emerald Gaiety Euonymus - Lush emerald green & white margins turn pinkish in winter
- Emerald 'n Gold Wintercreeper - Emerald green with gold margins
- Manhattan Euonymus Shrub - Dark green fast-growing shrub
- Silver King Euonymus Shrub - Silvery white margins on green
- Vegetus Euonymus - Deep green climber, shrub, or groundcover
- Green Spire Euonymus Bush - Upright narrow, bright green shrub grows 8 feet high!
- Ivory Jade Wintercreeper - Crisp white, margins with light and dark sage green interiors
- Green Lane Euonymus - Small compact rounded green leaves & purple fall color
- Blondy® Euonymus - Vibrant gold foliage with narrow dark green margins
- Purple Wintercreeper Euonymus - dark green leaves become vibrant red/purple in fall
- Sarcoxie Euonymus - dark green and glossy
- Euonymus Canadale Gold - light green and yellow shiny foliage
Any one of these varieties can be equally encouraged to creep, spill, climb, or even be trained into a shrub! They are like the shape-shifters of the plant world!
Maximize the Impact of Evergreen Euonymus!
Ideal alternatives to Boxwood and Privet shrubs, Euonymus become excellent low hedges for definition, en masse plantings, border edging, and even low-growing screens! Splash some color in your foundation planting with low-maintenance Euonymus. Create a lavish ribbon at the edge of your landscaping beds in the sun!

Especially the Green Spire Euonymus which is a tall and narrow growing columnar shrub that works wonders as a space-saving hedge, privacy screen, or slender backdrop!
Even that roadside, sidewalk, or driveway hell-strip suits these plants just fine! Especially where salt spray in winter can be an issue. Euonymus is up to the challenge!
Vining Euonymus plants can be used for groundcovers, by allowing them to spread and sprawl not only block weeds, but when used on hillsides, you’ll never have to mow that dangerous slope or worry about erosion on steep banks again! Ivory Jade or Blondy® will light up a boring hill with vibrant color!
When encouraged to climb, use these tenacious plants as vertical covers, and hide ugly eyesores. The vining types of Euonymus also work charmingly well on trellises!
Wintercreepers cling to boulders, fences, and lattice with tiny roots that sprout along their long stems. Rambling over hardpan and compacted soil, Rock and Crevice gardens are ideal locations for these drought-tolerant beauties!
They make the perfect choice for low-maintenance commercial and residential landscapes. In an area prone to fire? Toss in some Euonymus as an easy firewise landscaping solution! The Purple WIntercreeper will add its own fiery presence each autumn when the foliage transforms into mounds of reddish-purple glory!

Many of our alluring Euonymus will work in outdoor pots and planters for many years. Add a sunny filler to your hardy container garden with Wintercreeper as a filler or spiller! Pot up Moonshadow Euonymus in a decorative container or Canadale Gold Euonymus in a mixed planter for a showy year-round feature plant!
Their dense habit and vibrant leaves will make you look twice. Snip some of the stems for your cut flower arrangements as greenery, too!
Just be wary of using Euonymus around painted surfaces and brickwork as they can cling to mortar and paint.
Buy Wintercreeper Without Worry
Some species or cultivars may be invasive and prohibited in some states, but Nature Hills is doing our part to prevent invasive plants from being purchased and shipped by using Plant Sentry™, our own software program to prevent that from happening.
Type in your Zip Code to see if we can ship into your area or check with your local County Extension Office to see if Euonymus is suitable for your area.
Buy Euonymus Vines At Nature Hills Today!
The opportunities for using Euonymus in your landscape and many tough-to-grow locations are unlimited! Be inspired by their color and high performance!
The Euonymus family has several cultivars that are renowned for their magnificent year-round color! Enjoy tough-as-nails greenery that’s beautiful enough to use front and center for that designer look! Fill every niche area of your garden with these form-changing evergreen plants!
Go ahead and fill your yard with carefree color when you include Groundcover and Shrub Euonymus plants in your landscape design!