The early summer weeks have arrived and your garden may have a lull between the spring and summer bloomers! Check out which flowering ornamentals bloom during the month of June!
Table of Contents
Late spring and early summer can have contradictory temperatures and crazy weather. Find the best perennials, shrubs, and even a few trees that flower during this time!
Perennials That Flower In June
Bridging the gap between spring ephemerals and summer flowers, these plants put on a show during the month of June! Your fresh-cut bouquets will be brimming with these gorgeous perennial flowering ornamental plants!
Beloved by butterflies and bees that are in full force at this time, many hummingbirds are getting into most of the US and in need of nectar to support themselves and their babies.
Perennials That Flower in June |
Asiatic Lilies |
Foamflower |
Penstemon (Beardtongue) |
Astilbe |
Foamy Bells |
Phlox (Tall Garden/Cushion) |
Bee Balm |
Foxglove |
Salvia |
Catmint/Catnip |
Gaura |
Scabiosa |
Clematis Vines |
Gaillardia (Blanket Flower) |
Sea Holly |
Cranesbill Hardy Geranium |
Hollyhocks |
Spiderwort |
Coral Bells |
Leadplant |
Veronica |
Coreopsis |
Ligularia |
Yarrow Plants |
Daisies |
Lungwort |
Yucca Plants |
Delphinium/Larkspur |
Mix in some Ornamental Grasses, Ferns and other greenery for plenty of contrasting colors, textures, and supporting foliage that enhances your June blooms!
Daylilies are getting going and starting to enter bloom this month, as is Liatris (Gayfeather/Blazing Star), your Bellflowers too will be popping into bloom!

Shrubs Flowering In June
June is of course Rose Month! Roses are starting their flowering display throughout most of the US! Hybrid Teas, Grandifloras, Floribundas, Rugosa, Climbing Roses, and Landscape Shrub Roses galore!
A few Azaleas and Rhododendrons are still flowering, especially in cooler climates!
These other flowering shrubs are also putting on their best display in June!
June Flowering Bushes & Shrubs |
Abelia |
Hydrangeas |
Sorbaria (False Spirea) |
Butterfly Bushes |
Mock Orange |
Smokebush/Smoke Tree |
California Lilac |
New Jersey Tea |
Spirea Shrubs |
Carolina Allspice |
Ninebark |
St. John's Wort |
Crape Myrtle & GreatMyrtle™ |
Potentilla |
Strawberry Bush (Euonymus) |
Deutzia |
Rock Rose is still in bloom! |
Summersweet |
Elderberry |
Rose of Sharon |
Viburnum (some varieties) |
Gardenia |
Scarlet Bottlebrush |
Weigela |
Your Hardy Hibiscus is getting ready to pop out some blooms in many areas! Sumac bushes and tree-forms are also starting to flower.
Several of these selections have reblooming varieties that will bloom again in the fall, or keep blooming all summer long! Many of these shrubs produce showy seeds or berries in the late summer or autumn, plus a feast of fruit and seeds for birds in autumn.

Trees That Bloom The Month Of June
It’s not very many Trees that are flowering this month! But there are many that stand out from the crowd this month! Turn heads on the block and enjoy the shade, fragrance, and pollinators that appreciate having trees that provide both food and shelter!
- Catalpa Trees
- Chaste Trees
- Chinese Chestnut/Chestnut Trees
- Some Kousa Dogwood Trees still have showy bracts
- Fringe Tree
- Golden Raintree
- Japanese Snowbell
- Japanese Stewartia
- Linden Trees (Basswood/Tilia)
- Mimosa
- Sourwood Tree
- Southern and Sweetbay Magnolia
- Japanese Tree Lilacs
- Tuliptree
- Wisteria (Trees and Vines)
Putting on a grand display, flowering trees during this month are ready to wow you with color, fragrance, and lovely blooms to the landscape.

Bring On The June Blooms!
June is also still a great time to get planting before the summer heat really kicks in! June is a busy time for gardeners and there is plenty to do outdoors!
Break out the mulch to help keep your plant's roots insulated from the summer sun and hold more moisture in the soil (which means less watering for you!). Keep deadheading your spring-flowering perennials and Roses to keep them blooming all summer!
While you are driving around on your summer road trips, you may see wildflowers like Queen Anne’s Lace, Chickory, Daisy Fleabane, Bindweed, Vetch, Oxeye and Common Daisy, Thistles, Sweet Clover, Milkweeds, and Campion are in flower! Just be careful because the lacy airy white blooms of Poison Hemlock may tempt you to snip a few blooms.
Check out all the perennials, flowering shrubs, and trees at that also bloom in the summer and fall to fill your landscape with fresh flowers every month of the growing season! Then check out fruiting shrubs and trees that produce the first wave of summer fruit to harvest in June too!
Happy Planting!