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Peaceful Vibes! Pastel Gardening Recipes for Success

Peaceful Vibes! Pastel Gardening Recipes for Success

Charlotte... |

Not every garden has to be filled with bold, eye-catching colors and shocking flowers! Sometimes you need a peaceful and more subtly-hued landscape that calms the mind, body, and spirit.

Light and airy, calming and subdued, pastels are powdery soft colors. Going fantastically with their bolder blooms, but especially melding perfectly with each other, pastel flowers also blend nicely with neutral tones. Check out some of these pastel-toned garden recipes that lighten the mood instead of assaulting the eyes!

Pastel Garden Ideas For Cold Growing Zones


Standing up to chilly winters and filling your landscapes in soothing hues - try out one of these!

Each sample includes a flowering ornamental tree, flowering shrubs, pastel-hued perennials, and accents.

Full Sun Gardens

Create a lemony buttery garden that softly shines in the sun! These cool-toned hues of butter, soft gold, and cream radiate.

  • Buttery yellow Magnolia Butterflies
  • Primrose Lilac or Madame Lemoine Lilac
  • Goldfinger Potentilla or First Editions® Lemon Meringue™ Potentilla
  • Popcorn Drift® Rose or Sunny Knock Out® Rose
  • Miss Manners Obedient Plant or Banana Cream Shasta Daisy
  • Coreopsis Creme Brulee or Happy Returns Daylily
  • Golden Variegated Hakone Grass

Peachy Lavender Garden Idea


Soft peachy hues and creamy apricots just look incredible when paired with lavenders and pastel purples!

 - Cascading Hearts Weeping
 - Redbud or Chaste Tree
 - Tiffany Rose or Apricot Drift® Rose
 - First Editions® Light-O-Day® Hydrangea or Sweet Summer Panicle Hydrangea
 - Pink Abelia or My Monet Purple Effect® Weigela
 - Dalmatian Purple Foxglove or Concertina Tall-Bearded Iris
 - Purrsian Blue Catmint or Siloam Peony Display Daylily

    Shade Gardens


    Cool pinks and blues in the shade! These subtle tones light up the shade while handling cold winters with ease.

    • White Flowering Dogwood or First Editions® Vanilla Strawberry™ Tree Form
    • Tiny Tuff Stuff™ Hydrangea or Torch™ Panicle Hydrangea
    • Yuki Cherry Blossom® Deutzia
    • Blue Ice Amsonia or Jack Frost Brunnera
    • Stairway to Heaven Jacob's Ladder or Jacob's Ladder
    • Ghost Lamium or Big Daddy Hosta
    • Pink Skyrocket Foamflower

    Butterfly & Hummingbird Garden

    Tinkerbell lilac tree

    Attract all of your winged favorites to your garden with these pastel blooms! Bees, butterflies, and Hummingbirds will love these blooms!

    • Marley's Pink Japanese Snowbell or Tinkerbelle® Lilac Tree
    • James MacFarlane Lilac
    • Summer Skies Butterfly Bush or Lavender Cascade Butterfly Bush
    • Peach Lemonade® Rose or Belle Poitevine Rugosa Rose
    • Magic Carpet Spirea or Phlox Candy Stripe
    • Russian Sage or Little Spire Russian Sage
    • Blue Fortune Hyssop or REALFLOR® Real Charmer Shasta Daisy
    • Jolly Good™ Clematis

    Pastel Garden Ideas For Hot Climates

    Pinky Pastel Hot Climate Full Sun Garden

    rose of sharon

    Beat the heat with a cooling, soft pink palette that helps drop temperatures despite the gleaming sun!

    • EH Wilson Mimosa Tree or Sunsation Magnolia
    • Spring Bouquet Laurustinus or Pink Muhly Grass
    • Pink Breath of Heaven
    • Pink Marble® Photinia
    • Love Song™ Rose or Blushing Knock Out® Rose
    • Rock N Grow® Coraljade Sedum
    • Rubens Clematis or Cecile Brunner Climbing Rose for height
    • Rozanne Geranium

    Soft Gold Pastel Hot Climate Shade Garden


    Soft colors in the shade, these blooms still shine without the gaudy colors! Shade in the hottest climates is a luxury and these cool-as-a-cucumber ornamentals help cool things down further!

    • Carolina Sweetheart® Redbud or Debutante Camellia
    • Honey Butter Rhododendron
    • Pink Skyrocket Foamflower or Silver Scrolls Coral Bells
    • Radiance Abelia or Concertina Tall Bearded Iris
    • Camelot Cream Foxglove or Kudos Gold Hyssop
    • Double Scoop Lemon Cream Coneflower
    • Variegated Liriope or Blue Oat Grass
    • Fun And Games® Eye Spy Foamy Bells
    • Boulevard® Bernadine Clematis

    Poolside Retreat

    orange smoothie daylily

    Fragrant and cool-toned blooms take the heat out of the sunny poolside retreat. Soft juicy colors and exotic foliage help you relax around the pool!

    • Rhapsody in Pink Crape Myrtle or Muskogee Crape Myrtle Tree
    • California Lilac or Luna Pink Swirl Hibiscus
    • Daphne Marianni® or Southern Star Florida Anise
    • Variegated Shell Ginger and/or Apricot Frost Canna Lily
    • Northern Wonder Banana™
    • Rainbow Rhythm® Orange Smoothie Daylily
    • Oscularia deltoides or Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose
    • Mandarin Honeysuckle or Star Jasmine for height and fragrance!

    Subdued Pastel Xeric Garden


    Heat and arid climates got nothing on these hardy, frosted plants! Tolerating fast-draining soil and sun, plus xeric conditions, these plants soften the harshest of conditions.

    • Zuni Crape Myrtle or Chaste Tree
    • Silver Waves Camellia or Low Scape Mound® Chokeberry
    • Yellow Yucca and/or Blue Glow Agave
    • Little Spire Russian Sage or Oscularia deltoides
    • The Blues Little Bluestem Grass or Pink Pampas Grass
    • Rose Creek Abelia
    • Frosted Curls New Zealand Sedge
    • Blue Spruce Sedum or Rock 'N Round™ Pure Joy Sedum

    Pastel Meditation Station

    helene von stein

    Cool and calming tones and silver hues plus fragrance! These tranquil hues help set the mood and calm the mind with fragrance, soft coloration, and touchable sensory plants.

    • Chaste Tree or Blue Chiffon® Rose of Sharon Tree Form
    • Fragrant Tea Olive or Autumn Chiffon™ Encore® Azalea
    • Blue Girl Hybrid Tea Rose or Love Song™ Rose
    • Everlasting™ Harmony Hydrangea or Froggie™ Bigleaf Hydrangea
    • Behold® Ice Chip Butterfly Bush
    • Coast Silktassel or Ebbing's Silverberry
    • English Munstead Lavender or Sensational!® Lavender
    • New Dawn Climbing Rose or Blue Moon Wisteria for height
    • Helene Von Stein Lambs Ear or Boulder Blue Fescue Grass

    Cool & Calm Pastel Landscapes!

    pastel garden

    Baby pinks and sky blues, silvery powdery tones, the Pastel palette is a unique idea when you want a meditative, soothing environment around your home!

    Check out these and more fantastic plants at NatureHills.com, where you are sure to find exactly the color combo for your landscape no matter what kind of sun, soil, and climate you are working with!

    Happy Planting!

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    When ordering a tree or plant, make sure to know your planting zone.

    You can determine your garden’s USDA hardiness zone by entering your Zip Code below.
