Watch our "Fruit Whisperer", as Ed Laivo, one of America's top fruit tree experts, answers Jill Winger's question on how to best care for her new Dwarf Meyer Lemon Tree during the winter.
Planting, Managing Pests, Making the Move, Fertilizing & Watering
Ed has some really helpful hints for the home gardener in cold climates, like Wyoming (and let's not forget all the other hardy souls living in places like New York, Colorado, Minnesota, and our friends in Illinois!). If you want to grow Citrus Trees, but must bring them inside for the long winter - here's a video overview of what you need to know.
Dwarf Meyer Lemons are so much fun to grow, and they'll do well for you inside. Just follow along with Ed for the best practices.
Improved Dwarf Meyer Lemon Trees
- Zones 8-11 (Patio 4-11)
- Medium growing
- Fruiting Time 3 years
- Tolerates versatile conditions
- Fragrant
- Grow Indoors & Out