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Everything You Need to Know About Growing Grapefruit!

Everything You Need to Know About Growing Grapefruit!

Charlotte... |

Among the largest of the Citrus fruits (overshadowed only by their close cousins the Pummelo), the Grapefruit Tree is a gorgeous broadleaf evergreen with lush green leaves, fragrant white flowers, and a wide range of shapes and sizes for you to choose from!

The large golden-apricot colored skins and unique salmony-pink to red flesh are a favorite sweet/sour delight and loaded with healthful benefits! A favorite breakfast addition, snack, and juice - the Grapefruit can only taste better when it's grown right in your own backyard!

Are Grapefruit hard to grow?

Nature Hills has many types of Grapefruit for you to choose from for your home orchard and has the lowdown on how to care for these unique Citrus trees! (Hint: It’s So Easy!)

Grapefruit Trees at Nature Hills!

Check out all these incredible edible landscaping options available online at Nature Hills!

Oro Blanco Grapefruit Tree

  • Nature Hills' highest-rated fan favorite!
  • White Grapefruit
  • Nearly seedless variety
  • Mild sweet flavor
  • Great when grown in containers 
  • Ripens early in the season (late autumn)

Rio Red Grapefruit Tree

  • Dwarf Grapefruit Tree
  • Pale Yellow rind with a red blush
  • Dark ruby-red flesh
  • Exceptionally sweet juicy flavor
  • High yield and long hang time - October through June!
  • Ideal for container gardening

Star Ruby Grapefruit Tree

  • Narrower growing semi-dwarf form
  • Fragrant and aromatic sweet-tart fruit
  • Few seeds
  • Yellow-orange skin with a red blush
  • Winter harvest can hang until mid-summer!

Ruby Red Grapefruit Tree

  • Thin-skinned fruit is easy to peel
  • Sweet-tart, low-acid flavor - Great for juicing!
  • Reddish-pink flesh inside yellow skin
  • Tall growing yet narrow form
  • November to May harvest

Chinese Grapefruit Tree

  • The largest Grapefruit with thick green skin
  • Small semi-dwarf-sized tree
  • Juicy and slightly tart
  • Pear-shaped fruit
  • White Grapefruit hued flesh
  • September to December harvest time

Ray Ruby Grapefruit Tree

  • Beautiful golden yellow-orange full-sized fruit
  • Ruby red flesh
  • Fewer seeds
  • Super sweet-tart and juicy
  • Winter harvest

The Home Garden is Ideal for a Grapefruit Tree!

Citrus plays a dual role as a wonderful fresh fruit for culinary delights and a beautiful broadleaf evergreen landscape plant!

Grown in the ground in frost-free climates of USDA growing zones 8-9 and up to 10-11. Grapefruits work amazingly as specimen trees, as screening and hedgerow trees, or as a perfect edible shade tree!


It's good to know that Grapefruit can be maintained to any height with regular pruning during the dormant season! Or prune smaller for urban courtyards, small-space gardens, or to keep in planters and containers!

Try a hedgerow of Ray Ruby or Ruby Red for privacy and a huge harvest! Mix and match with other Citrus trees to create a linear orchard. You'll get a delicious harvest and an effective privacy screen!

Choose a Star Ruby or any of these Grapefruit for a spectacular specimen tree in your front yard landscape or as backyard shade!

Enjoy many benefits from a single tree! Because everyone you know will also be able to enjoy the huge harvest of large fruit! It’s hard to miss once those softball-sized orbs begin coloring up!

Plant near your seating areas, poolside deck, or in a meditation garden, and bask in the flowers' fragrance each spring! Even the aromatic leaves have a refreshing and invigorating fragrance when crushed. Enjoy growing your Grapefruit anywhere the scented flowers and evergreen foliage add to their year-round appeal 

Where Does Grapefruit Grow Best?

Grapefruit trees are tropical plants that need to be protected from freezing temperatures outside but can be grown indoors in bright, indirect light. Anywhere winters are mild and the trees are not exposed to freezing temperatures!

  • Full Sun - 6 plus hours of direct sun per day
  • Indoors - All day bright indirect sunlight
  • Well-drained enriched soil
  • Moderate to low moisture needs
  • Acidic soil and acid-loving fertilizer
  • Keep indoor plants away from drafts and sudden environmental changes
  • Indoor plants need higher air humidity

How long does it take for a Grapefruit tree to bear fruit?

yellow grapefruit

Nature Hills ships quality Grapefruit trees with mature root systems at least 3-4 years old. Since Grapefruit trees typically produce fruit at the age of 3-5 years of age, you will get fruit within a year or so after your tree has established itself in your landscape!

Prune your Grapefruit trees any time when removing water sprouts, weak, crossing or dead branches, or to allow more light and airflow into the canopy. To control size, prune your Grapefruit in the late winter to very early spring.

Do you need 2 Grapefruit Trees to produce fruit?

Grapefruit trees are self-pollinating and you’ll get a fantastic crop from a single tree! That being said, plants that are moved indoors to a greenhouse or home situation will not have the bees or other insects to move the pollen from one flower to the next. So hand pollination of flowers that bloom indoors should be done with a cotton swab or small paintbrush to move pollen from one flower to the next on the same plant.

Growing Grapefruit Trees in Containers

Perhaps your weather isn't suited for Citrus or you don't have the space in your yard? Great news - You can still grow Grapefruit! Grapefruit trees are perfectly adapted to being grown in a container even if you don't have to endure frosty winters! 

green grapefruit

For Zones 9 or 10 that may endure an unseasonable cold snap or unexpected freeze, protect your trees by stringing C9 Christmas lights through the tree and covering the tree with a frost blanket.

For Nothern growers, you'll need to bring the container indoors before the temperature begins to get in the mid to low 30s. Simply bring your Grapefruit indoors gradually before it's freezing outside. Then in the spring after the threat of frost has passed, you can move your tree back onto the patio for the summer!

They also make such a fun accent plant for your patio, add pinpoint shade around a sunny poolside deck, or even on a sun-drenched balcony where you’d like a bit of shade or privacy!

But cold weather and cold climates won’t stop you from enjoying Grapefruit trees! Grow these trees in large planters outdoors near your kitchen and entertaining area. Then simply acclimate them indoors before fall temperatures begin to drop and keep your Grapefruit in a sunny window for the winter! Then gradually reintroduce them to the outdoors in the spring after the threat of frost has passed.

The Rio Red or the Oro Blanco Grapefruit trees are easy-care, smaller patio-ready plants. Other Grapefruit trees can still be kept in containers and simply pruned and maintained at a smaller size.

Order Your Grapefruit Trees at Nature Hills!

Nature Hills Nursery has perfected the art of growing Grapefruit and Citrus trees and ensuring safe delivery to people across the country who want super-fresh ingredients! Our commitment to your tropical trees' health is paramount during shipping - carefully monitoring temperatures and shipping these plants only when it is safe.

Enjoy all the fruit for fresh eating, juicing, desserts, and zesting up your baked goods and preserves with this delectable fruit!

The cost of a Grapefruit tree pays for itself over time, and nothing could be easier than online ordering to buy them. Our extensive online catalog of Citrus trees for sale is unmatched by anyone in the business!

Hungry for the fresh taste, incredible scent, and unique décor of homegrown Grapefruit trees? You are in great company! These dual-purpose fruit trees are wildly popular and so easy for you to grow on your own!

Happy Planting!

shop grapefruit

Find Your Garden's Growing Zone!

Error, Unable to locate a growing zone for that ZIP code.

When ordering a tree or plant, make sure to know your planting zone.

You can determine your garden’s USDA hardiness zone by entering your Zip Code below.