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Protecting You, Your Plants, Your House and The World

Protecting You, Your Plants, Your House and The World

Charlotte... |

Nature Hills Nursery is committed to ensuring you and your purchase, your home, and the environment are protected every step of the way!

Nature Hills is working with the 48 states that we ship to, that way we are only shipping plants that comply with each state’s regulations. We are the only online company that has developed our own software protection preventing shipments of plants that are invasive or prohibited because of insects or diseases!

Nature Hills has taken the initiative to step out in front of this problem! We stay continuously current with all new regulations as they change. This makes Nature Hills one of the only companies to remain fully compliant.

Protecting You & Your Investment


Plus we back up our products with expert aftercare support and helpful advice in our #ProPlantTips Garden Blog to give you as much information at your fingertips to make your landscape a winner!

We pride ourselves in presenting plant details with excellent accuracy and in great detail! From ensuring the proper nomenclature to the accuracy of plant facts, to how to best care for your plants. Our #ProPlantTips also offers accurate details about care, pruning, and any other details and secrets of each plant that we sell.

Choosing The Right Plant For The Right Spot

Nature Hills’ attention to detail for all the plants that we sell helps you select the right plant for your landscape. Get to know these few details before you start your plant selection, and your choices will work well for you!

Your hardiness zone is easily found by entering your zip code on our website and that is a great place to start. Then read the plant facts listed on each page of the plants that most catch your eye so you know the mature size, whether they like sun or shade, and any specific tips to keep it happy. Check out these few simple details as you search.

  • Know your Hardiness Zone - Find it here!
  • Know how much sun or shade the area you are planting in has
  • Knowing the drainage for that area (poor, soggy, fast-draining, average)
  • Know how much room you have - Remember to look at the mature height and width!
  • Anticipate other plant’s growth around the area of your new plant
  • Check with your local County Extension Office for helpful information
Choosing The Right Plant For The Right Spot

Hot New Plants - Always Something Unique!

Nature Hills has some excellent production people who are always searching for anything new to add to our lineup! Everyone always wants to know what is new, different, and unusual.


We even have 2 new selections EXCLUSIVE to Nature Hills Nursery!

  1. Consider SmokeShow™ Kousa Dogwood Tree For Sale at for a new plant with unique purple foliage coloration that no one else has.
  2. Another Nature Hills exclusive gotta-have: The French Manicure Hydrangea Exclusively at pumping out an incredible flower display that remains showy from late spring through winter.

Amazing new selections are being added all of the time! New plants that offer a different form, smaller in stature plants with longer flowering, some that are sterile so they won’t escape into the landscape.

Protecting Your Environment

Nature Hills sells plants across the continental US, which has its challenges. We work with every state department of agriculture to ensure that we are completely up to date with all restrictions as each state changes and updates its compliance. We have eliminated the sale of Invasive or diseased plants across America.


Nature Hills has a full-time compliance officer, and we have also signed up with an advanced software company called Plant Sentry™ to keep tabs on every State’s restrictions. We can quickly stay current with all state and federal restrictions so you are not even able to purchase any plant that your state has restricted or prohibited. Our goal is to prevent the movement of invasive plants, insects, or disease problems. 

Remember, that you may see plants on our website that are invasive in your area, but they may not be problems elsewhere.

As the states modify and update their lists of prohibited or restricted plants, we immediately update these changes. Plant Sentry™ ensures that we only ship plant materials to your home that are clean, vibrant, and disease-free, and are not invasive in your area.

Have Peace of Mind When You Choose Plants from Nature Hills!

What it takes to combat invasive plants and pests is staggering, not to mention its economic impact, and the effect on wildlife and local pollinators. It’s simply not worth the risk!

The shipment of potentially harmful, infested, or invasive plants has brought about large-scale issues such as Dutch Elm Disease, Bronze Birch Borer, and the nematodes that cause Pine Wilt Disease. More recently there are issues such as Citrus Tristeza Virus, Emerald Ash Tree Borers, and Spotted Lanternfly are threatening many areas of the country and devastating large areas of affected plant life.

We’ve taken the lessons hard learned from these widespread problems and put into motion stringent efforts to help prevent more issues from spreading. Nature Hills has taken the initiative to step out in front of this problem with Plant Sentry™ software. Ensuring every shipment is compliant with all agricultural laws and regulations.

Because we're protected with Plant Sentry™, we are able to concentrate our energy on our production areas. We grow super-quality plants and ship them in boxes that are engineered to ensure that your plants arrive in excellent condition. We also watch the weather and temperature before and during shipment to ensure your plant arrives safely and is not heat or cold-stressed. Hurricanes, wildfires, heat waves, and snap chills may delay your shipment, but Nature Hills is committed to ensuring you receive a healthy plant regardless of what Ma Nature is throwing at you!

We take pride in knowing that we are doing our best to guarantee the plants we ship are compliant with your state and ensure you receive a quality, healthy product that will give you and your family years of enjoyment! While protecting environments, wildlife, pollinators, and you!

Safe Planting!

Plant Sentry

Find Your Garden's Growing Zone!

Error, Unable to locate a growing zone for that ZIP code.

When ordering a tree or plant, make sure to know your planting zone.

You can determine your garden’s USDA hardiness zone by entering your Zip Code below.