Pantone has declared their Color of the Year, Viva Magenta 18-1750, “vibrates with vim and vigor!” This pinkish-violet member of the red color family is the new signal of strength!
Magenta is about balance and harmony! A combination of the passion, power, and energy of the color red, tempered by the restrained introspection and quiet energy of violet, creates a hue that embodies both! It is said to promote compassion, understanding, kindness, and cooperation, as well as cheerfulness, happiness, and contentment, and conveys appreciation and character!
But for the garden, this is a color with some serious wow factor behind it!
Check out Nature Hills' favorite plants that were jumping on the Magenta bandwagon before they became the Color of the Year!
Top Magenta Plants at Nature Hills!
Not quite red, not quite violet, not quite wine, Magenta is a bright color more in step with raspberry, and carmine, with a touch of burgundy!
Bring this hot new shade into your landscape with these fantastic plants!

Returning year after year, Perennials bloom their hearts out and are so versatile in the landscape! Usually smaller and space-saving, these easy-to-grow and love plants fill your garden with a rainbow of color choices! But this fantastic Viva Magenta can be found strongest in these plants!
There are more Clematis than we can mention in this fantastic color hue! Check them out here!
- Rocky Road Magenta Creeping Phlox and Magenta Pearl Phlox
- Moonshadow™ Morello Hardy Hibiscus
- Purple Poppy Mallow
- Cat's Eye Tall Bearded Iris
- Peony Like Purple Sensation Peony, London, and Prince of Darkness!

Large and small flowering ornamental bushes, these leafy specimens fill themselves with Color of the Year saturated blooms!
- Black Diamond® Mystic Magenta™ Crape Myrtle Shrub
- Anah Kruschke Rhododendron
- Magenta Chiffon® Rose of Sharon Shrub
- Buzz™ Magenta and Buzz™ Hot Raspberry Butterfly Bushes
- Spilled Wine® Weigela
- GreatMyrtle™ Red Velvet Crape Myrtle Shrub

Vibrant magenta flowers really show off big time as they bloom on both large and small-scale trees!
- Eastern Redbud and other Redbud Trees
- Red Flowering Dogwood
- Purple Prince Crabapple
- Galaxy Magnolia
- Merlot Redbud - both the flowers and foliage are in step with this trend!

There are too many Roses to mention individually, but you can find tons of Roses in the Nature Hills inventory that exhibit this amazing hue and combine it with fragrance as well!
- Ruby Voodoo Rose
- Be My Baby Miniature Rose
- Hansa Hybrid Rugosa Rose
- Sweet Spirit™ Grandiflora Tree Rose
- Blaze Improved Climbing Rose
Fruit Trees & Plants

Want to eat this great color? There’s a fruit for that! Purple fruits and vegetables are said to be rich in anthocyanins and red fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, hypertension and high cholesterol. We would like to think that Magenta fruit has the best of both worlds!
- Try a Raspberry Bush like Joan J, or Polka
- Strawberry Plants like Sparkle or Berried Treasure®
- Bite into an Elephant Heart or Showtime Plum!
- Try an Arkansas Black Apple or Winecrisp™ Apple Tree
- Pluck a few Bing or Lapins Cherries too!
Live Viva Magenta This 2023!
It was in 1858 that Renard Freres Franc mixed aniline with tin chloride and he named it fuchsine, after the Fuchsia flower! Going by purple-mauve, fuchsia, and roseine in the past, this dramatic hue doesn’t back down and embodies strength and resilience!
Employ this powerful color onto your landscape and garden as a way to show we’re bouncing back from troubling days and as a reminder that there are brighter ones ahead!
Nature Hills is in love with this fun color and everything it implies! Head over to to find out more!
Happy Planting!