Buy Scented Mock Orange Shrubs At Nature Hills!

Flowering Mock Orange Shrubs (Philadelphus) are well-known for being the picture of beauty, adaptability, and hardiness! Cold-tolerant to an extreme, these easy-going, low-maintenance flowering shrubs are grossly under-utilized in today's landscapes! Which is strange since they're so readily adaptable to smaller modern yards, courtyards, and urban environments!
An additional benefit of this plant is the wonderfully fragrant, citrus-smelling, blooms it produces! The citrus smell is probably responsible for the 'orange' part of this shrub's common name.
While not all cultivars of Mock Orange are equally fragrant, they will all attract attention from you each spring, and the attention of every pollinator in the neighborhood! Featuring double to triple-petalled blooms, you'll enjoy spring and summer flowers to fill your bouquets and bubble bowls!
Using Mock Orange Bushes in the Landscape
The North's answer to the Gardenia, these cold-hardy, brilliant, pure-white flowers work well as a specimen or accent plant in the landscape! The dense deciduous green foliage fills out these ornamentals all growing season long, creating lovely privacy hedges and backdrops!
Larger selections like the Natchez or Goose Creek can even be trimmed up into multi-trunked tree forms for unique front yard accents!
Smaller selections of Mock Orange like the darling little Snowbelle Mock Orange are perfect for smaller yards and even container gardening! Enjoy the fresh scent of citrus on balconies, porches, and front porch curb appeal!
Caring For Mock Orange Bushes
Easy-to-grow Mock Orange readily adapts to a wide range of soils as long as they are located in a well-drained site. A Mock Orange can tolerate a little shade but will flower more profusely in full sun. Provide your new plantings with Nature Hills Root Booster for a systemic root support that never "wears out"!
All plants appreciate a 3-4 inch thick layer of arborist mulch chips over their root systems, but please don't let it cover the crown or pile up against the trunks.
Plant Mock Orange where it can receive regular moisture its first year in the ground, and once it is established, these adaptable flowering bushes can handle clay, mild drought, and higher than usual moisture conditions.
Mock Orange shrubs bloom on last year’s wood so pruning this plant is best accomplished immediately after they flower. For a more natural form, instead, you can keep your shrub growing vigorously by renewal pruning. This involves cutting out the largest stems every 3-5 years - removing no more than 30% at a time. This will encourage flowering and keep the shrub neat and full. If the plant gets totally out of control, it can be pruned to the ground in early spring before it begins to bud.
Why Choose Mock Orange From Nature Hills Nursery?
Expertly grown, Nature Hills growers focus on producing quality plants with mature, established root systems at least 3-5 years of age! Field-grown to be ready to withstand the rigors of your landscape!
Place your order at any time and Nature Hills will hold your shrub in their care and ship your order to your doorstep at the proper planting time for your Hardiness Zone!
For more information click on any picture and read the detailed Plant Highlights, or call Nature Hills at (402) 934-8116 today!