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Fruit Trees to Plant for an October Harvest!

Fruit Trees to Plant for an October Harvest!

Charlotte... |

For most of the country, the nights are cold or getting chilly, maybe even teasing us with freezing temperatures, causing us to run out and cover those last flowers or veggies in case of a freeze. The days may struggle to warm up enough for you to not need a jacket. Deciduous trees are coloring their leaves in anticipation of winter snow and the garden - for the most part - is winding down for the year. 

But for many parts of the country and for many types of fruit trees, things are just getting started!

Whether you are looking to extend your harvest into the spookiest month of the year and keep the fresh food access well into the autumn, or you are looking for trees that feed and attract wildlife right up until the snow flies - Here are the best Fruit Trees at Nature Hills to plant for a harvest in the month of October!

Fruit Trees Ripening in October!

Apple Trees

October has many Apple trees that are still ripening or hanging on the tree just waiting for you to harvest them. In fact, that bit of chill in the air makes them take on new and improved flavors!

  • Arkansas Black
  • Braeburn 
  • Fireside
  • Freedom & USDA Organic Freedom
  • Frostbite
  • Fuji & Red Fuji
  • Gibson Yellow Delicious
  • Golden Delicious
  • GoldRush
  • Granny Smith
  • Haralson - Finishing their season in October
  • King (AKA Tompkins King)
  • Melrose
  • Pink Lady (Cripps Pink Variety)
  • Red Delicious & Yellow Delicious - Finishing their season in October
  • Red Jonathan - Finishing their season in October
  • Rome Beauty
  • Sundowner
  • USDA Organic Enterprise
  • Winecrisp
  • Winesap
  • Winter Banana
  • Yellow Delicious

No room for a full-sized Apple tree and its pollinator? Try a 6-In-One Espalier Apple Tree with early, mid, and late season harvests in one high-style grafted tree!

Avocado Trees

Ripening once harvested, these nutrient-packed Alligator Pears are continuing to be ready for harvest in warm to hot US regions!

  • Bacon
  • Fantastic
  • Hall
  • Hass
  • Joey
  • Lila

Banana Trees

While not really a tree, Banana plants like the Red Banana and several other varieties ripen sporadically when planted in warm climates in the ground.

Citrus Trees

lisbon lemon

Many Citrus trees are typically winter fruit and ripen around the holidays, so their season is just gearing up! Plus, you will benefit from many year-round ripening Citrus. Trees grown outdoors year-round are already dripping with fruit and a few begin ripening this month. It’s also time for northern growers to be bringing in their containerized and patio trees before the temps dip too low!

  • Chinese Grapefruit
  • Ruby Red Grapefruit
  • Improved Dwarf Meyer & Lisbon Lemons year-round
  • Ponderosa Lemon
  • Bearss/Persian Lime
  • Palestine Lime
  • Lisbon Lemon
  • Genoa Lemon
  • Thornless Mexican Lime
  • Calamondin & Variegated Calamondin
  • Kaffir Lime
  • Lemon Eureka
  • Page Mandarin
  • Sudachi Mandarin
  • Fukamoto Orange

Coffee Plants

Fig trees
Coffee tree fruits are ripening in warm growing zones! If you have the room, a temperate climate, and patience - you can grow your own morning cuppa! 


Fig Trees

Late-season Figs, usually on their breba (or second) crop of the season, are ripening this fall in warmer climates. You’ll enjoy this smaller crop of these luxurious fruits if all goes well!

  • Chicago Hardy
  • Excel
  • Panache Tiger
  • Violette de Bordeaux in some climates

Guava Trees

Tropical Guava fruit trees grown in warm climates in the ground can begin to ripen at different times of the year. But the Pineapple Guava and White Asian Guava can be ripening in the month of October!

Jackfruit Trees

Jackfruit trees

Another tree that, if you have the room and the tropical climate, you’ll enjoy seeing these large, unique fruit ripening directly on the trunks of your Jackfruit tree! Hardy in USDA zones 9 and up, these trees sometimes produce fruit in cooler climates when kept in greenhouses and bright four-season porches.

Jujube Tree

You may not have heard of the Jujube, or Chinese Date tree, but these delicious warm climate trees have a load of ornamental and delicious features for you! Hardy in USDA zones as low as 5-6 through 9-10 and the Sugar Cane, GA 866, Shanxi Li (Pear Jujube), and Honey Jar Jujube all begin to ripen in October!

Nectarine Trees

These juicy smooth-skinned Peach relatives have a few stragglers that ripen late-season in many growing zones! Nature Hills carries the Pink Diamond Nectarine that can ripen in this late month of the year.

Nut Trees

Nearly all Nut trees are ripe and ready to harvest in October! So hurry and beat the squirrels to the harvest!

  • Almond trees 
  • Hazelnuts (AKA Filberts)
  • Pecan trees 
  • Walnut trees
  • Butternut trees
  • Chestnut trees

Olive Trees

In the hot, dry, and arid climates of the southern US, Olive trees are hanging heavy with fruit. If you are looking to pick green or black Olives, both are becoming ready to harvest. So start preparing for your Olive tree harvest!

  • Koroneiki
  • Leccino
  • Manzanillo
  • Pendolino

Passion Fruit Vines

passion fruit

Passionfruit or Passion Flower vines like the Possum Purple and the Sweet Sunrise are ripe this month! Harvest this leathery fruit with its tropical edible pulp now.

Pawpaw Trees

Big sweet tropical-looking - and tasting - members of the Custard Apple family. Pawpaw trees are North American natives that are ready for harvest in October for your late-season enjoyment!

Peaches Trees

Peaches are iconic summer fruits but some late arrivals in some growing zones include the Autumn Flame Peach tree. Extend the summer flavor explosion into the autumn!

Pear Trees

October means Pear season is in full swing! Several varieties begin to ripen this month and continue to hang on the tree through the late-season months of many growing zones! Gaining a lovely flavor after a touch of frost, not all Pears ripen on the tree. But Pears can be picked and ripened on the counter or in storage.

  • Bosc
  • Comice
  • D Anjou
  • Korean Giant Asian
  • Luscious
  • Magness European
  • Oriental Asian
  • Seckel 
  • Shinseiki

Persimmon Trees

These American and Asian fruit trees are not as well known in some parts, but the fruit is highly sought after by those that are acquainted with them! October is prime harvest time for the native American Persimmon tree and the Asian Hachiya Persimmon tree! Check out the weeping Magic Fountain Weeping Persimmon for the best of both worlds!

Plum Trees

A few late-season Plum trees are still ripening this late in the season. Choose these smaller ornamentals for year-round interest, lovely spring blooms, and of course, those delectable sweet-tart fruits!

  • Emerald Beaut
  • Lavender Showers

Pomegranate Trees

Generally, Christmastime treats, Pomegranates are considered high antioxidant super fruits and a welcome brilliant red treat around the holidays! So prepare yourself for unique juicy jewel-filled luxury treats that are incredibly healthy! Not ripening once picked, be sure to pick Pomegranates at peak ripeness!

  • Desertnyi (Desert)
  • Gissarskii Rozovyi
  • Kazake
  • Parfianka
  • Pink Satin
  • Purple Heart
  • Tom's Red


Weather & Climate Variations

Keep in mind that the weather patterns, late or early springs, summer temperatures barging in early, and variants within your growing zone and elevation. All of which will greatly alter the precise time your fruit trees flower and the fruit ripens!

Harvest dates can vary depending upon where you are growing your plants since less sun can slow things down and the location in your yard can create microclimates around the trees. There is a tremendous amount of variation in ripening dates between zone 4 and zone 9 which can and will significantly affect harvest times. Plus the amount of sun available may have some impact on ripening too. Choose the very best location for your tree before planting! 

You can always check with your local County Agricultural Extension office for information on the best trees for your area!

Check out our When to Harvest Garden Blog which explains how you know your fruit is ripe and ready for picking!

Grow zone map

Edible Landscape & Double Duty Plants!

All of these lovely trees offer spring blooms, shade, and sometimes fall color. Plus, all increase your property value while filling your pantry with fresh fruit, preserves, delicious baked goods, and sauces for all your favorite recipes!

The edible landscaping craze is sweeping the nation! Secure your family's food access and self-sustainability, and increase your fresh food variety availability, regardless of the size of your landscape, with easy-to-grow fruit trees from Nature Hills! These double-duty trees and plants are not just healthy food for your pantry but also ornamental flowering landscape additions that provide shade and curb appeal as well!

Don’t forget to pick up a suitable pollinator for your fruit tree if they need a pollination buddy! And check out high-density planting to save space!

Happy Autumn Harvest Season!

Autumn Harvest

Fall is also the perfect time to get trees and shrubs planted! No longer contending with the heat and dry spells of summer, fall and spring are prime planting seasons! It’s also time to think about pruning your trees and shrubs as soon as they go dormant, so read more about pruning fruit trees here!

Don't forget to wrap the trunks of young fruit trees with hardware cloth or metal screening to prevent rodent and deer damage to the trunks of these trees. Give your trees some regular water so their roots don’t go into the winter dry, and add a 3-4 inch thick layer of mulch or arborist bark chips to insulate the root system against the chill.

Tasty treats for the cooler season await you when you plant one or more of these delicious fruit trees at Nature Hills Nursery! Hurry and order yours so you too can enjoy fruit from spring, summer and fall fruit and beyond and get them delivered to your doorstep!

As always, head over to NatureHills.com #ProPlantTips for care for garden info and ideas anytime! We’ll be glad to help you select the perfect fruit trees, plant them correctly, and care for them, plus so much more! 

Happy Planting!

Shop Fruit Trees


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