The leaves continue to fall onto your lawn. Don’t get out your rake…but get out your lawn mower!
As you see those leaves fall, one of the best things you can do is to just run your power mower over the tops of the leaves as they fall. Even if your grass areas are not growing as vigorously, the quality of your turf will be improved by keeping the sunlight available to your grass.
Shaded bluegrass is happy to have the leaves fall so the sunlight can reach some of those weaker more shaded areas of grass. Keeping the leaves shredded will also allow more sunlight to reach your grass.
As you continue to shred those leaves, should they get too thick to allow them to remain on the grass lightly rake up a few and add them to your garden or compost bin as shredded leaves bread down so very quickly.
Remember too that if you only fertilize your lawn one time a year…NOW IS THAT TIME! Fall is a great time to get high nitrogen into your grass plants to thicken it up while more sunlight is available this fall with some of the leaves gone.
Keep on shreddin’….right up until you put your mower away for the season.