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Classic Colors Blue & Purple Flowering Perennials

Classic Colors Blue & Purple Flowering Perennials

Charlotte... |

Blue and Purple colors are both resplendent and mysterious, with a beautiful depth of hue. Flowering perennials in these colors are very popular for so many reasons!

Cool and calming, soothing tones, they can be used in a very relaxing collection by themselves. Blue flowers represent hope and connection to the natural world. They also act as a perfect backdrop for contrasting yellow and orange, or pink and white blooms!

Blue Flowers...Nature's Rarest Color!

Here at NatureHills.com, we've made a name for ourselves with our gorgeous blue-flowering plants! Chinese Blue Wisteria tree, Chaste trees, Blue Chiffon Rose of Sharon, Bluestem Grass, and Blue Girl Hybrid Tea Rose - all are some of our top-selling plants!

No wonder, as true blue flowers are the rarest of all flower colors. In fact, only a few plants worldwide pull off that feat. We included purple flowering perennials in blue tones. That's because these complementary partners flow together in an impressive river of color. Create a magnificent showpiece to rest and relax in with help from our exquisite online catalog of naturally blue-flowering perennials.

Think in terms of layers for a lush look. Fill the space with small trees, shrubs, and perennials, placing smaller plants to the south side of taller ones. Low-growing blue or purple blooms can be found in our Groundcover section. They fill in to soften and polish the edges of your plantings.

High Contrast Blue and Purple Flowers Make a Dynamic Presentation

Placing several contrasting bloom colors in a certain area will definitely create outstanding focal points of interest. Pick your favorite color combination...dark green leaves, soft pinks, and blues make a dreamy impression!

Red-hot scarlet or orange-colored flowers are a compelling companion while pairing with yellow creates a vivid impact. Or, chill things down with icy white-flowering plants.


Try a Daisy May Shasta Daisy and Purple Rooster Bee Balm in a grouping. Mix and match to create happy beauty that you'll amaze over every time you see it! Create a lively and colorful landscape by finding that perfect plant pairing. It's so gratifying to follow your passions, isn't it?

Add early season flowering blue or purple perennials. Then finish with late bloomers for visual interest all season long. Plan to overlap the season of blooms with three or four different varieties. When one perennial blooming period is exhausted, you can have another ready to take its place in the spotlight.

Go beyond the garden bed and pot these up in containers, planters or even hanging baskets! You’ll enjoy armloads of cut flowers for your vases and floral arrangements too!

A Sample Planting for Blooms All Season

Install landscaping garden plants that look great all year with good plant choices. Start with trees and shrubs...then add flowering perennials that bloom through the season.

Here is a sample garden design plan guideline of choices that would produce a season filled with blue or purple flowers:

  • Start with tiny Bulbs like Siberian Squill and Hyacinth that are very easy to plant in the fall. These satisfying bloomers start early in spring and will continue for weeks.
  • Add spiky texture like Globe Thistles or Sea Holly and purple Allium.
  • Dramatic dark purple Caesar's Brother Iris kicks in with its architectural blade-like leaves. Try them near the blue-green foliage of Adam's Needle Yucca as a striking garden feature.
  • The Blues Little Bluestem Grass would be another stunning option. Or use Blue Rug Carpet Juniper Groundcover for ready-steady steely blue tones all year long.
  • Soften your early summer with vertical accents like Blue False Indigo Baptisia. These native subshrubs add a bold form and very attractive features.
  • Don't forget a Blue Chiffon Rose of Sharon tree form for a pretty focal point! Blue Diddley Chaste trees have blue-toned blooms, and can easily anchor a patio planting bed.
  • Finish up the mid to late season with a collection of Asters. The local butterfly population will thank you for the late-season nectar resource!



Certain extraordinary flowering perennials have extended blooming periods. Consider using these plants as your workhorse or mainstay! Create an eye-catching display with these majestic colors. You'll never grow tired of elegant blue or purple blooms! That's a good thing, as these durable perennials will come back for you year after year.

Top 3 Blue and Purple Flower Choices for Heat and Humidity

  • May Night Salvia takes center stage with a long season of bloom. Just snip the first spent flower spikes of the season.
  • Long-blooming Rozanne Geranium with purple petals fills in for a carefree, pretty summer! Azure Rush Geranium is another lovely choice.
  • Native Bee Balm is a vigorous, nectar-rich grower that belongs in Pollinator Gardens for bees and butterflies. They can also be grown in deep outdoor containers to stop the spread.
blue flowering perennials

Top 3 Blue and Purple Flower Choices for Dry Heat

  • Give fragrant Grosso Lavender sharply-drained soil for incredible performance, or keep it for years in containers.
  • You can't beat Sapphire Surf Bluebeard for the sheer abundance of blooms in the second half of the season!
  • Water-wise Dwarf Lily of the Nile gives you so much but is easy to grow and drought tolerant.
lily of the nile

Top 3 Cold-Hardy Blue and Purple Flower Choices

  • You'll never get tired of the compliments from bold native Blazing Star Kobold Gayfeather!
  • These powdery blue flowers of Blue Glitter Sea Holly make an incredible feature in containers and borders.
  • Get lovely spring blooms and electric orange fall color with fine-textured Amsonia.

Top 3 Blue and Purple Flowering Perennials for Shade

  • Partial shade lover Rapido Blue Carpathian Bellflower has blue petalled flower power that won't stop.
  • You'll love our large collection of Hosta. Add three, four or more varieties in a coordinated shade display for little care.
  • Exquisite Maggie Daley Astilbe gives your daily dose of dynamic feathery flowers in pretty purple hues.

Saturated Blue or Purple Flowers For a Serene Landscape

Let Nature Hills help you turn your garden design into a thoughtful composition! A landscape filled with wistful blue and regal purple will grow into a joy to share with your loved ones. You'll appreciate our large online inventory, but please move quickly to order your favorites. Everyone loves blue and purple flowers, after all!

NatureHills.com grows healthy, well-rooted perennials that you can count on to return for years to come!

Check out these great videos on Blue Perennial Selection and Purple Perennial Selection!

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