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#ProPlantTips: Arborvitaes

#ProPlantTips: Arborvitaes

Charlotte... |

The Thuja family has long been a beloved landscaping staple when it comes to creating structures within the garden. Arborvitaes create a classic look while offering functional peace of mind through organization and presentation.

arborvitae close up

Here at NatureHills.com we LOVE our Arborvitae varieties and know that they can add great value and beauty to your landscape. We know you’re going to love them too!

Whether you’re growing the Emerald Green Arborvitae, the Green Giant Arborvitae, or any of the many varieties that we sell, there are a few things that you should know about caring for it. These tips will help keep your Thuja tree or shrub happy and healthy for years to come!

Getting Started

We offer a WIDE variety of Arborvitaes to choose from and picking which one is right for you is not always an easy choice! Here are some things you’ll want to consider when choosing the right one for your landscape.

What To Ask Before Purchasing:

  • Where do you want it to go?
  • How big do you want it to get?
  • What type of maintenance do you want to provide?
  • Do you want seasonal foliage?
  • What type of environment am I providing for the plant?
  • Is it environmentally friendly for where I want to plant it?

Asking these questions will help you quickly determine whether this plant variety is the right choice for you. Another benefit to answering these questions is it can help narrow down which variety of Arborvitae you may want in your landscape.

What To Know Before Planting:

  • Great for Zones 3-7
  • Evergreen Tree
  • Mature Growth is Expected at 10’-15’
  • Some Varieties Grow Quickly and Others Grow More Slowly
  • Full Sun Preference
  • Soil Preference: Acidic, Loamy, Moist, Rich, Sandy, Silty Loamy, Well Drained, Wet & Clay Soils
arborvitae in the line

Choosing the Right One

It’s important to mention that the type of variety that you choose will influence how quickly the variety grows, both vertically and horizontally. Some varieties are bushier and other varieties are more narrow.

You may have noticed that we at NatureHills.com offer an extensive selection of Arborvitae trees and shrubs to choose from. When considering which variety is right for you there are a few things you’ll also need to consider before planting.

Some varieties have a fluffy look, while others have soft fanning, flattened branches, all are soft to the touch and wave in the breeze in an undulating pattern.

There are many varieties to choose from, but here are some quick facts about the most popular ones:


many arborvitae in a row
Green Giant Arborvitae: This fast-growing variety is great for a natural border, grows quickly, gets wide, and is deer resistant.


Emerald Green Arborvitae: This variety is a more formal variety that works great as a privacy screen, stays vertical, and grows more narrow. This variety is not deer resistant.

There are a lot more varieties to choose from here at NatureHills.com, but these two popular choices are an excellent way to start!

Continuous Care

Once you get your trees established and they’ve had the chance to grow into their new homes, it’s time to start making sure you’re continuing to give quality care to these evergreens.

These plants do enjoy their moisture, especially before the wintertime. Be sure to give them lots of moisture and water before heading into the cooler months so that you have a healthy spring tree to look forward to.

They also need protection from drying Northern winter winds. Use an anti-desiccant spray in late fall to further protect them if in an area prone to windburn.

Otherwise, these plants are fairly low maintenance. Their soil should be well-draining, and consistently moist until the roots have established themselves. 

Arborvitae in the sunset

Use the “finger test” to stick your finger in the soil near the roots to the second knuckle. If it’s moist, skip watering that day. If it’s dry, give it plenty of water.

Pest & Disease Care From the Plant Sentry™ Experts

While these trees and shrubs stand tall hovering over your garden, they, 

like many other plant varieties, are at just as great of a risk as other plants when it comes to warding off insects and disease. In order to keep your trees at their healthiest, our Plant Sentry experts are weighing in to offer you expert advice on their care to keep your garden as happy and healthy as possible!

There are a few diseases that afflict this plant variety that you should be aware of:

  • Kabatina Twig Blight (Kabatina thujae): This disease causes the tips of one-year-old branches to die and turn a brown or gray ash color. These tips will remain on the plant for many months. You should prune and destroy the infected areas if found. The use of a fungicide can help protect the plant from blight.
  • Pestalotiopsis Tip Blight (Pestalotiopsis funerea): This disease causes the tips of the twigs to turn a light to dark brown color with black pimple-like fungus structures on the surface. To prevent this type of blight protect the shrubs and trees from winter damages, drought, and other stressful conditions. Like the Kabatina Blight, the use of a fungicide can help protect the plant from blight.
  • Phomopsis Twig Blight (Phomopsis juniperovora): This disease causes the tips of the branches to die, turn brown, or ash-gray. This discoloration will remain visible on the plant for many months after infection and can cause the larger branches to be girdled or infected. At the point of infiltration into the healthier wood, black, pimple-like fungal structures will grow. To remedy this infection you should prune and destroy the infected limbs. Like the other varieties of blight, applying a fungicide can offer protection against the blight.


  • The Arborvitae family can face a number of challenges when it comes to potential threats of pests. Most commonly the pests to keep an eye out for are bagworms, scale, leafminers, and spider mites. Regular treatment of your plants can help limit or eliminate pest problems that may aris
Plant Sentry

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