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Fall Planting Bulbs Leads to Bright Spring Blooms

Fall Planting Bulbs Leads to Bright Spring Blooms

Charlotte... |

Are you ready to start planting this fall for gorgeous spring flowers? We definitely are! 

Alliums, Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, and Crocus - Oh My!

Nature Hills has a dizzying array of classic Spring-Flowering bulb plants! Plus now we’re excited to reveal the newest bulbs shipping this fall!

Let’s dive into the world of Fall-Planting bulbs and show off some of the newest bulbs hitting the Nature Hills Nursery website!

Which Fall-Planted Bulb is Right For You?

Spring tulips

These colorful and fun fall-planted bulbs add life and texture to any garden or landscape! Breaking away from the long, dreary winter with a breath of fresh air and color! Widely adaptable throughout a wide range of climates and growing conditions - bulbs, corms, rhizomes, and other storage types of modified roots can be used as perennial spring additions or as seasonal accents. You can even force these for winter blooms like Amaryllis!

You don’t have to have a rainbow in your yard, but you can in the amazing range of colors that are available to gardeners today! So why not mix it up a little? Plus there is a wide range of pastels, neutral and soft colors to choose from too!

Types of Bulbs to Choose From at Nature Hills

  • Alliums/Flowering Onions
  • Amaryllis
  • Anemone
  • Bluebells
  • Crocus
  • Daffodils
  • Freesia (in warm zones 8-10)
  • Fritillaria
  • Glory of the Snow White (Chionodoxa)
  • Grape Hyacinth/Muscari
  • Hyacinth
  • Iris Bareroot Rhizomes
  • Magic Lilies (Lycoris)
  • Narcissus
  • Peony Bareroot Tubers
  • Society Garlic (Flowering/Ornamental)
  • Squills (Siberica)
  • Tulips

When Do I Plant Fall Bulbs?

You may wonder: When do I plant these exactly? Why is fall the best time to plant flowering bulbs?

When we say fall planting bulbs, we mean spring-blooming flowers! Plant these babies in the fall for full, gorgeous spring flowers!

Bulb plant 06

Here’s the thing - If we ship it, you can plant it!

As long as the ground isn’t frozen, you’re set to plant these plants that have naturally gone dormant at the nursery and shipped in a dormant state to your doorstep!

Nature Hills takes great care shipping these unique bulbs to you still dormant - at the right time for your growing zone so they remain dormant all fall and winter. We watch temperatures and weather and only ship them to your growing zone at the perfect time for you to plant them.

Should freak weather arrive and you are not able to plant your bulbs when they arrive, pot them up in a container of moderately moist soil and store them in an unheated garage or shed. If no pot is available, keep them in their packaging and don’t let them dry out, warm up, freeze, or be exposed to light in that shed or garage.

Why Fall For These Bulbs?

Tulips in spring garden

Spring Flowering Bulbs should be planted after the last heat wave in fall, and before the ground freezes. Planting in fall is needed to get the bulbs to make roots before the ground freezes so they are ready to grow in spring. Unlike Lilies and Canna Lily which need to be planted in the spring when it's warmer and bloom in the summer, fall-planted bulbs need the fall season to make new roots, and winter to take care of the chill period.

Like trees and other plants, they need a cooling period (chill hours) and time to establish a healthy root system. This is why these bulbs are shipped while dormant to you at the proper planting time for your growing zone.

Fall is the best time of year to plant these flowering perennial bulbs while they are dormant! All autumn, winter, and early spring - these unique plants with modified roots are busy at work forming new root systems!

How Do You Use Fall-Planted Bulbs in the Landscape?

This is the fun part!

There are so many ways to use fall bulbs in your garden - both in the ground, forced for the winter, or in your favorite seasonal pots! You can be as creative as you’d like when planning your layout!

The possibilities are endless with all the different colors and shapes offered with fall planting bulbs. Let your creativity shine through when planning your landscape!

  • One way many people use their fall-planted bulbs is to decorate their front yard and ring a mailbox or bird feeder.
  • Spring blooms are also used to make gorgeous garden beds! Add groupings of color to garden beds as your other plants are still waking up from their winter slumber! The bulbs are summer sun-shy and will appreciate the later emerging foliage of these larger shrubs and perennials! Or mix into Cottage Gardens!
  • These amazing blooms look beautiful surrounding rocks and in Rock Gardens, a tree, or around a porch as seasonal edging. You can create a lovely mixture of colors and textures to mix and match your current theme!
  • Another favorite way to showcase spring bulbs is to line an above-ground pool, entertainment area, barbecue pit, gazebo, or other structure with these beautiful spring blooms! You are sure to attract all the attention to your favorite landscape features!
  • A fabulous use of these bulbs is to call attention to your commercial property or business storefront! Imagine the colorful advertising you’ll gain without any fuss or maintenance - it’s truly amazing!
  • Pot up your bulbs in planters and containers for a seasonal burst of color. After the flowers fade, the foliage that remains adds greenery among the other plants that flower later in the season. Window boxes and mixed seasonal displays are also fantastic, and once the bulbs are done flowering, they can be moved into a more permanent location in the ground.
Tulip in the flower pot

Vivid colors, many with incredible fragrances, and big blooms can completely transform any landscape!

Get ready for hungry bees and butterflies that are emerging this time of year to arrive! These early spring nectar and pollen resources are a boon to pollinators at this crucial time of year! If you are in the southern US, then you’ll even support Hummingbirds that are starting on their migratory journeys north!

A bonus about all of these flowers is they act amazingly as cut flowers! Create a homegrown bouquet you can show off at every meal. Imagine all the spring flowers and fresh fragrances brightening up your home!

You can even try forcing spring-flowering bulbs inside to grow in your home in the late fall to winter months! Others like Amaryllis, are meant for winter forcing around the holidays!

How to Plant and Maintain Bulbs

How to plant bulbs infographic

Flowering bulbs are easy-to-grow, low-maintenance perennial plants that grow from modified roots - true bulbs, corms, rhizomes, bulbs, and tubers. These forms of storage roots have all they need after being pampered during the growing season in order to burst into bloom each spring!

Of course, you need to make sure you’re planting your bulbs in the right amount of sunlight and the correct soil type! This is all listed with your flower on its Product Description Page.

Soggy sites with poor drainage are the only places these plants won’t do well in. If you have these conditions then it is recommended that you plant yours in a raised bed or berm, or in a container instead.

Once you’ve found the perfect spot for your new addition, it’s time to plant!

A good rule of thumb is to plant your bulb 2 to 3 times as deep as the bulb height.

Next, place your bulb with the roots down and pointy side up in your hole. You can then cover your planted flower bulb with soil and, if you wish, a layer of mulch to conserve water and protect roots. You can add slow-release bulb fertilizer to the site 

Watering your newly planted bulb in well is very important! This ensures they become established in their new growing area and start the plant making new roots right away in the fall. A great rule of thumb to decide if your new addition needs watering is using the Finger Test.

Top off the new bulb bed with a 3-4 inch thick layer of arborist bark chips, compost, or shredded leaf mulch to provide moisture retention and insulation.

Mark where you’ve planted your bulbs with colorful pebbles, glass marbles, or stakes (unless you like surprises in the spring)!

The next step is patience! These fall planting bulbs will bring your gorgeous flower to life in the spring!

Stopping Squirrels and Rodents From Digging Up Your Bulbs

Sometimes these juicy bulbs, packed with nutrients and carbohydrates, are highly sought after by hungry squirrels, chipmunks, and some rodents. If this is the case, you may find your freshly planted bulbs dug up and gnawed on.


Stop squirrels and other above-ground pests by planting your bulbs out and partially covering them with some soil. Then lay down a layer of chicken wire, secure it into place well, and then finish covering your bulbs with soil. The pests will not be able to get through this barrier. For moles and underground pests, lay the wire below the bulbs and curve it up the sides of the garden bed to create a protective barrier from digging and burrowing critters.

Then put out a squirrel feeder to feed them and give them something easier to access, or install a bird of prey statue to scare them away.

Newest Bulbs at Nature Hills

Check out these newest varieties hitting our website!

Newest Tulips

Newest Butter Cups

Newest Grape Hyacinth

Newest Daffodils

Newest Amaryllis

Newest Allium

Bring On The Spring Blooms!

Nature Hills has the best variety of Flowering Bulb forms and colors for you to easily create the brightest spring garden on your block! No matter what color palette or theme you’re going for - We’ve got you covered!

Happy Planting!

shop fall bulbs

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